Fridaze 050

Can you believe I've been writing Fridaze for 50 weeks? I know that I was writing similar posts, under a different name, but it still feels significant. The Dear Diary posts were monthly, which meant that I missed a lot of the lil' joys I have on a day to day basis. I would usually talk about the major highlights. The most important highs and lows of the month. Now, when I chat with you (most weeks) I share books, tv, and games I've been consuming throughout the week, which I like better.

I'm so close to a year of writing Fridaze, and that's kind of my crazy. So much of my life being documented on here. It's kind of cool, but also strange if I really think about it. Well, as I sit down and write, I'm having my usual (a regular drip coffee with a little bit of cinnamon & chocolate powder).

I'm not home, so I'm not having any espresso. I actually bought a Breville espresso machine when I moved in with J, and it's been life changing. I swear I made consistently great coffee that's better than Starbucks. Not only that, but I'm saving tons of money. That's not to say I don't buy coffee from Starbucks or other coffee shops occasionally, but only when I'm out and about and craving a coffee.

Enough talking about coffee, let's chat about the past week!

Parents and J are away

This was a bit of a complicated week for me because J and my parents were both traveling. As you know, I work in my family's business, so my hours are twice as long as normally. On top of that, I have a dog. So to make things easier, I slept over my family's house while they were away, since their place is closer to my job.

And during the middle of the day I could check on both of the dogs. The week went much smoother than anticipated, which I was extremely grateful for. I always worry that everything is going to go wrong when my parents away.

Not only that, but J is my comfort blanket. Even after a stressful day he has a way of turning my mood around and make me feel less stressed out. J had a friend trip for a few days, followed by a work trip right afterwards. It might be the longest we've spent apart since we started dating!

Luckily J's back on Saturday, but these days have gone pretty slowly and I can't wait for him to be back home.

Hanging out with Nick

Since I've been at my family's house, I've been spending a lot of time with my youngest brother. We're really close, so it's been nice to have a lot of uninterrupted time together. From going to get Playa Bowls to watching Ben 10 together. I do for sure miss living with him during moments like this.


I also did my monthly catch up with Erika! She took me out for a belated birthday dinner, which was the perfect excuse to catch up and chat. I missed her a bit, and it's always nice when we hang out. She also go to see my new place, which was exciting. Not only that, but she met Luca!

Posts in June:

Fridaze 048

where is the bump in the road?

Fridaze 049

I signed up for Storygraph. First Impressions.

Lil Things:

  • Playa Bowls (an acai bowl with granola and fresh fruit)
  • Book Mail (all the books I ordered for my birthday came in)
  • building my record player stand (and it looks so beautiful)
  • morning cuddles with Luca before work
  • tanning on my parent's deck, enjoying the warm weather
  • the book protector I got from Amazon (now my paperbacks won't get damaged in my bag!)

Games I’ve Been Playing:

  • Sims 4 [PC]

Shows/Movies I’ve Watched:

  • Below Deck season 1 [Peacock]
  • Better Call Saul Season 1 episodes 7-8, Season 2 episodes 1-8, Season 3 episode 1 [Netflix]

Books I’ve Been Reading (Let’s be Goodreads Friends!) (Let's be StoryGraph Friends!) :

  • Iris Zero 7 by Takana Hotaru
  • The Emperor (Darkverse #3) by RuNyx
  • A Court of Wings and Ruin (A Court of Thorns & Roses #3) by Sarah J. Maas
  • Rising & Ruin by Leigh Bardugo (Shadow & Bone #3)
  • Happy Place by Emily Henry
  • Terms and Conditions by Lauren Asher (Dreamland Billionaires #2)
  • Pretty Girls by Karin Slaughter
  • As Long as You Love Me by Marianna Leal

Well that was my week in a nutshell. I had an eventful weekend, but a quiet week, which is almost what I prefer. I honestly think I need a quiet weekend one of these days as well! How were you all this week? Let me know! Happy Fridaze xx

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  • Michelle says:

    Yay for being consistent with your blog series! I always love seeing what others are reading, listening, watching, etc. I would love to see a post on how you make your coffee! I'm a huge coffee lover and always looking for new ways to enjoy my favorite beverage. ♥

    • Melina Elisa says:

      I honestly can't believe I'm almost hitting a year of doing Fridaze, time has honesty flown by. You can expect a post about how I make my coffee soon! Thanks for reading and commenting 🙂 xx

  • Michelle Chai says:

    Wow, 50 weeks already! I skip a few weeks here and there, but it’s wild to me to think I started my Sundaze series back in 2016. Somehow the only habits I can keep are all blog-related…

    I’m glad it all went smoothly with J and your parents all being away. Sometimes these things just sound more daunting than they really are. And, it’s fun that you got to spend some time with your brother! Since my brother moved out, I really cherish hanging out with him or calling him for a catch-up here and there.

    • Melina Elisa says:

      That's how I feel! I started my blog back in 2016, and while I've had multiple variations to do a general round up, This one has by far lasted the longest. And it feels kind of nice. I go back and read some of the things going on in my life, and it's just really nice to have a record of my thoughts.
      And yes! That's exactly how I feel. Since moving out, I really value spending time with my siblings that much more. Hope you're doing well xxx
