5 Ways to Banish Fatigue and Boost Your Energy Levels


[contributed post] We all have slumps from time to time. Moments when it’s hard to get out of bad and you just don’t have the energy to do anything productive. All you want to do is slump on the sofa, watch comfort TV and eat junk food.

There’s nothing wrong with the occasional lazy day. But when this becomes a habit, it is a problem. We need to balance our home comforts with the ability to get work done and maximize our quality of life. Every second counts and you need to be making memories, having experiences, and setting yourself up for the future.

But how do you overcome the barrier of lethargy and get in the mindset of living your life to the fullest? If you’re struggling with your energy levels, here are five tips for banishing fatigue and escaping your comfort zone.

Improve your diet

Your body is a machine. It needs fuel to make it work, and the quality and quantity of fuel will determine its performance. If you have a habit of eating greasy junk food and empty calories, your body is not getting the nutrition it needs. It’s no wonder you are feeling tired and sluggish all the time. In order to feel your best you need to be looking after your food intake. Eat a balanced diet featuring plenty of protein, carbohydrates, vegetables and healthy fats. You may also wish to consider some natural supplements like cyclazodone powder or Vitamin B. Caffeine can have a short term effect on alertness so it is sometimes useful when you need a quick burst of energy, but it is not an effective long term solution. Drink plenty of water and limit your alcohol intake.


When you’re not feeling your best it can be hard to motivate yourself to exercise, but it is often the best thing to eliminate fatigue. Get on your trainers and go for a run, bike ride, or gym workout. Your body will benefit from the dopamine hit, and you’ll feel alert and energetic. Make it a routine and you will feel consistently at the top of your game.

Get more sleep

Sleep is our body’s way of recharging itself and preparing us for the next day. It’s important to get at least eight hours a night, but the quality of sleep is even more crucial. Staring at a screen before bed can affect your sleep cycles, as can overeating, drinking, and stress. Try to reduce these factors to get a better night’s sleep.

Look after your mental health

Mental health issues like depression and anxiety can have an effect on your energy levels. If you are feeling tired constantly there may be a deeper issue to address. Maybe you are stressed and anxious from work or personal problems, or maybe you have undiagnosed depression. It’s worth speaking to a therapist to try and lighten the load and improve your mental health.

Find a purpose

Finally, having a purpose in life can give you something to get out of bed for. What makes you happy? What drives you? Whether it’s working with animals, volunteering, or finding the job of your dream, seek the meaning of life and you will always have the energy you need.

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