Dear Diary 018 [Getting my life back, nice weather, and hope]

I feel like I'm constantly updating you with what's going on in my life. While I share lil' tidbits here and there, I actually haven't written a dear diary post since January! As you all know February was extremely difficult for me. I ended up taking a step back from my blog and from Youtube.

Nice Weather

The past two weeks the weather has been beautiful. I can't say that this nice weather didn't play a part in me feeling better, cause it did. I feel 100% better when the sun is out. It could be cold outside, but if the sun is out, I just feel reenergized and refreshed.

Not only has it been sunny outside, but the weather was pretty warm! This week the weather has gone back to chilly winter weather. Just the fact that we had warm weather last week, it makes look forward to the spring!

Getting my Life Back & Feeling Hopeful

With the nicer weather, I've been able to socialize a bit more now! It's been so long since I've had plans, that it feels so nice to have things to look forward to! Last weekend, me and my brother slept over my sister's boyfriend's house, and we had a great time. We made food for dinner, and played videogames and watched movies! Then, the following morning we went to a delicious brunch. It's the most normal my life has felt in a very long time.

I feel like for the past year, I wasn't really living my life. Living day to day in a routine of going to work and going back home. As someone who used to always have fun plans marked in their calendar, this has been extremely difficult for me. While things aren't close to being normal, I just notice the positive changes happening, and it makes me hopeful.

I am so close to being eligible to being able to get the vaccine and that makes all the difference.

As I mentioned in one of my past posts, I spoke about all the little things I'm looking forward to doing again. Things I had taken for granted. Recently I've been really missing walking into a bookstore. Spending the day browsing the books on the shelves, and reading a few chapters of a book while sipping on a cup of coffee.

Every day, I spend a little bit of time thinking about things that I had taken for granted, that I can't wait to do when things get better.

And those are the things that keep me going, because things are going to get better.

That's all I'm going to update you guys on in this Dear Diary. How are you all? Please share and let me know! As always, sending you love, strength, and positivity xxx

melina elisa dear diary
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  • Cleia says:

    I'm so happy you'll be getting a vaccine soon! It gives me hope too.
    The rollout has been so awful in Canada that I highly doubt I'll be eligible for a first does until the end of the Summer. But I do know people who have had one or both doses now, so at least they are moving slowly.

    I don't even know how I'll get used to living life when things return to a sort of normal, I feel so guilty just touching items on a shelf! I looked at a cookbook earlier this year and then bought it, because I felt bad that I had flipped through it and didn't know if I could put it back on a shelf or not. I regretted it and returned it later, and that was the last time I went to a bookstore haha. I can't wait until we can shop normally again!

    • Melina Elisa says:

      I have faith that we will get back to normal eventually, fingers crossed by the beginning of next year! As of now, I'm so happy to see everyone around me either having an appointment to get vaccinated, or one or two of the shots! Keep me updated on your situation, because I really hope you get the chance to get vaccinated soon! Do you have a lot of people over there with vaccine hesitation?

  • Laura Jane says:

    It feels like the past year hasn't really existed. It's been one long routine of waking up, work, and then coming home again. I miss walking into a bookshop and browsing - I have to drink coffee before or after because I'm too clumsy. I'd probably spill it over a pile of books. Fingers crossed you get the vaccine soon. I think I'm eligible in early June. xx

    • Melina Elisa says:

      I'm super sorry for the late response (this is kind of embarrassing). The latest update is that I'm fully vaccinated! (two weeks after my second shot, officially yesterday). I hope you get your shot soon. Things are rapidly starting to open up around me, which is great, but also causing me some anxiety at the same time! Definitely looking forward to my coffeshop/bookshop hangs though for sure. Thanks so much for reading and commenting Laura! Hope you're doing well 🙂 x

  • Marie @ drizzle & hurricane books says:

    I'm so glad you've been feeling a little better and more hopeful with this nice weather, Melina, this makes me so happy to hear <3 I've been struggling a bit lately, but trying my best to feel hope as well <3 Take care of yourself!
