The start of a new chapter.

I graduate in a little over a week. There I said it. Everyone's saying "ohh, you must be so excited" or "you must be so happy". To be honest, I don't know how I feel. When I really think about it, the best adjective I would use is indifferent.


Now, most of you guys must be saying, how are you indifferent to graduating and finishing school?! It's such a huge milestone. While you are right, I still don't feel particularly excited.

When I think about graduating I get nervous. I'm honestly terrified. I spent 5 years studying in college, and for what?

I don't have anything to show for it yet. What if I spent all those years studying and I end up a failure? I'm worried I'm going to disappoint my parents. Is it normal to feel this way?

I should be excited for the future, but I don't like changes like this, so I guess I'm not. I mean I kinda am, because I have huge plans coming up, which I haven't told you guys about, but at the same time I'm not.


I have these dreams and plans for myself, and they're risky. I know I can do it if I work hard enough, but what if my parents don't approve of my choices? I know what you guys are thinking, what 22 year old still needs the approval of their parents?

My parents payed for my schooling. I have been extremely grateful for that. I don't want them to feel as if I wasted their money.

I have high hopes for myself, I do, it's just with everyone reminding me of the impending graduation, I get more than a lil nervous.

Sending all the positive energy in the world. Have a beyond wonderful day.

-Melina xxx

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  • Always Cleia says:

    First of all, congrats on finishing school! I know the pressure to find a great job and be successful straight out of school can be overwhelming, but honestly you have so much time to figure it out! That's what your twenties are for (I've been told). I think that most parents really just want to see their children happy, my parents were pulling their hair out when I withdrew my spot from a specialized immunology program at Uni to study music, but now my Dad claims he "knew I'd do well all along". Personally I think that's debatable, but I know all he wanted was for me to be happy and able to take care of myself.

    You're still young, take some time to figure it out if you need to and your parents will hopefully come around. Remember to celebrate your accomplishments!

    xx Cleia

    • ivefoundwaldo says:

      Thank you so much for your kind words and telling me about your personal story! I feel like all parents want their kids to be successful and happy. How did you do with your music program?! That's so interesting. What job do you work in?

      • Always Cleia says:

        It was good! My first year was Jazz guitar, so all music theory and performance, then I did a year of live sound and recording engineering and a third year of guitar performance. I definitely learned that I liked being behind the scenes as opposed to on stage haha Once I graduated I did freelance lighting and sound gigs for about a year before moving into news television. I started with live audio but now I help with production ☺
        What program did you take??

        • ivefoundwaldo says:

          That's soo cool! Do you love your job?!

          And i'm a marketing and management major with a minor in english!

          • Always Cleia says:

            I do, yeah! Although I enjoy my days off and the hours are ridiculous sometimes our station has a great group of people which makes all the difference. I still feel like what I do is important but If something goes wrong it's not the end of the world, like if I was a doctor or something I could never handle that stress ?

            There's probably so much you can do with that, that's exciting! I wish my program had more English classes!

            • ivefoundwaldo says:

              Your job sounds amazing! And I completely understand what you mean??

              You can always go back to school and take english classes!

              • Always Cleia says:

                I've definitely been blessed haha, I love that my job is actually fun sometimes!

                And that's true, I'd definitely like to take some creative writing classes. I hope you find an awesome job too! Do you have any ideas what you are looking for?

                • ivefoundwaldo says:

                  Right now I have an interview in NYC to work for a social media department in this huge company, so I'm excited for that 🙂

  • beautylifemom says:

    Aw thanks Melina!! I am happy in so many ways but I feel like at any stage there is always going to be something! I don't know if I necessarily found my end-all be-all dream job but I can say I've liked it more this year than last!

    • ivefoundwaldo says:

      Keep reaching for your dreams Jen, It's never too late, and if you stay ambitious, you can do it xx

  • sophiaaxo says:

    I graduate next year and I am a tiny bit nervous because I feel like I don't know what to do with my life. Obviously I will have a degree, but I don't feel like I am ready to leave education yet lol. Also I read that you are 22, I am 20 and we are still young. We still have so much to do with our lives! I hope the graduation goes well, and good luck!

    Please check out my blog- would love you to visit <3

    • ivefoundwaldo says:

      Thanks for sharing how you feel, I completely understand where you are coming from. I've always felt so confident about graduating and the new chapter, but now that's it's here, I'm not completely sure how I feel, nervous more than anything for sure!

      You are right though, we are so much to do with our lives. We are young and have the chance to do whatever we want. If you ever want to talk about your concerns about the future let me know! Thanks for reading sophia xxx

      • sophiaaxo says:

        I hope everything goes alright for you, I am sure it will. Think about when you finish aswell a part of you will be so relieved! Thank you, same here too! It's alright xxx

  • beautylifemom says:

    I've sooo been there!! I think a lot of people I know were bummed out when they were graduating because college was their home for 4 years, and I'm sure many were indifferent too. At least you have plans for yourself- I totally didn't at the time first and I felt lost. Sometimes I still feel lost hahah! I know what you mean too about parent approval- I think I probably disappointed my parents when I didn't become a nurse but I just could NOT do it cause it wasn't me! While it probably makes much more money that what I make now haha I don't think I'd become one even if I had the opportunity again. Life figures itself out in crazy ways! Or even if it's not figured out eh lol we'll get to where we belong!!
    Xx Jen

    • ivefoundwaldo says:

      Are you happy about where life has lead you? I mean I love your blog, so you accomplished something you should be proud of! Thanks so much for reading Jen xxx

  • ivefoundwaldo says:

    I know if you use the jetpack plugin, they have an option for captcha, let me know if this helps xxx

  • ivefoundwaldo says:

    thank you so much love! I post three times a week, I look forward to hearing from you again 🙂 xx

  • ivefoundwaldo says:

    Thank you so much love! It means so much for me knowing that other people enjoy reading my blog just as much as I enjoy writing on it! Have a wonderful day/ night xxx
