My First Primark Haul! 

Hey guys! All you guys from outside of the United States have been showing me all the amazing things you always get from Primark. I've watched hauls on Youtube and read all about them on a whole bunch of blog posts. In the United States, we do have a website where you can order from Primark online.

Then I realized that they also have a few stores open around where I live! There's one near Philly, which is about an hour and a half away, and there is also one in southern jersey, about 45 minutes away.

I was so happy when I found out we had a location semi-nearby, that I was dying to see all the amazing things they had. My brother was nice enough to keep me company along my journey. So this is what I bought!

From the picture above, you can see that I bought a little bit of everything! You guys often rave about the cool things they had, so I just wanted to have my own opinion on a lot of the things you guys always mention. I bought a forest green sweater, and it was only $9! It's almost impossible to find hoodies for that price. It's super soft, and I use it all the time. I also know that they are known for their super cute and inexpensive bras, so I decided to buy one of the regular bras, and I even bought a backless strapless bra! I haven't tried either of those yet, but if you guys want my opinion of them once I try  them, let me know!


I also bought some socks. I feel like you can never have too many socks! They also tend to go missing or get gross. Well I bought one of the 5 packs, and I also found they had a Star Wars set on sale! I couldn't turn them down. The Star Wars set was on sale for $2!

Now I totally didn't need this at all, but I also got this really cute clear makeup bag that has little avocados on it. I always wanted a little makeup bag that was easy for me to put into my purse or backpack. I really like it, it does what it's supposed to, and I got it for $2!

I also wanted to try some of their makeup products, but had not idea where to start. I ended up getting one of their dual brushes and a face powder. I really like the brush! It doesn't have that dye smell on it, it's pretty soft, and super affordable. 

I got the face powder in the lightest shade. It does have some pigmentation and I feel like it does have a really mattifying finish. I tried it out on my sister who has more oily skin than I do, and she really liked it! She didn't put this product on her entire face, only on her trouble spots, but it did the job wherever she put it.

As I mentioned before, my brother came with me, so I told him I would buy him some things as a thank you for coming. He ended up getting a phone charging cable and a portable charger. We didn't know what to expect with them, since they were so inexpensive. The charging cable he likes, it does the job, and he likes the fact that you could charge an Iphone or an Android. He was pleasantly surprised by the portable charger! He says while it does take a while to fully charge the charging pack, it charges the phone fairly quickly.

I have to say I had an amazing first experience at Primark, and I can't wait til I get down and try all the home stuff that you guys always rave about! I hope you enjoyed reading. Let me know what you love to get from Primark! Have a great day.


-Melina xxx

**Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, I will earn a small commission if you click through and make a purchase. If you feel uncomfortable with this, simply search for the item yourself.**

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  • Emmy - Misadventurous Mummy says:

    I feel the same about your shops like Walmart and hot topic (I went to Orlando 3 years ago and actually had to buy an extra suitcase and still felt like there was loads I shoulda got.) I don't know if it's the same over there, but whilst primark sell some amazing clothes and such, they don't tend to be the best quality (shrink in the wash/wash badly etc) so just take care on that front. I'm going to do a primark run tomorrow I think! I have one in my home town but 30 mins away there's one that covers 4 floors instead of 1, so they get much better stuff!

    Have a great day!

    • ivefoundwaldo says:

      I love those stores too! I didn't know you guys didn't have hot topic! Thanks for the tip about their clothes shrinking! I would love to go to a primark with so many floors! Thanks so much for reading love xxx

  • Anonymous says:

    Great Haul! Love reading your posts! Your blog is amazingggg! (ps: I'd love if you could visit my blog, and maybe even follow my blog?!) hope you're having a fabulous day !

    • ivefoundwaldo says:

      Thank you so much! I would love to check out your blog, but you didn't leave a website that I could visit! Let me know love xxx

  • Sara @SaraDuggan.Me says:

    Hi, Melina. I've never heard of Primark. From visiting the site it looks like a great place to buy quick things for low prices. ^_^

    You have a sweet brother.

    You're dedicated too! 1 1/2 hours to shop... I guess when I was young I did some things like that too. (driving 2,000 miles to see a special someone)

    Stopping by via #USBlogChat

    • ivefoundwaldo says:

      It's amazing, and I recommend you checking out their stuff sometime!

  • Hazel says:

    I've had Primark my entire life, where I would be without it I do not know! Amazing to see it expanding over your way! It's Primark outside of Ireland and Penny's in Ireland 🙂 As i'm from Ireland no-one knew what I was on about for ages! Anyway... Welcome to the crack house..... Once you go Primark / Pennys you can never go back! xxx

    • ivefoundwaldo says:

      They had a website, but it doesnt come close to all the amazing things they have in their stores! I honestly can't wait to go back, planning a trip there asap? Thanks for reading xxx

  • Lou M. says:

    Great picks, the star wars socks are amazing!

    Technicolor ♥ Heart

  • Single Vegas Girl says:

    Those Star Wars socks are amazing! How did you find anything in forest green for $9? I'm so jealous! It looks like you made out like a bandit! (:

    Single Vegas Girl

    • ivefoundwaldo says:

      I got the star wars socks for $2! It was amazing, whenever people see them, they love them. Can't wait to go back. Thanks for reading Marie xxx

  • Hanna says:

    This store is popping up everywhere in Massachusetts too! I recently went for the first time back in December and got myself one of my FAVORITE v-neck sweaters with 3 gold button details. It was a madhouse actually shopping there though! Glad you were able to find some good stuff! I also bought 2 brush cleaner pads that I still have yet to try out.

    • ivefoundwaldo says:

      They have so many cute things there! I can't wait til they continue to open up more stores and updating their website. Let me know how you like the brush cleaner pads! Thanks for reading love xxx

  • Jill says:

    Oooh I've never heard of Primark before. Is it kind of like a TJ Maxx for us? I'm peeping at that No Sweat face powder?

    • ivefoundwaldo says:

      Primark is kind of like a forever 21, but wayy better, because they have departments for everything! Thanks for reading love xxx
