melina's book club #11

Happy May everyone! The sun is shining, the weather's been warm, I've been spending more and more time outside, and yet I haven't ever spent as much time on my computer. The days are ticking until it's time to announce my personal project! I've been working on it for the past 3 months, and I'm so excited to finally be able to tell you about it!

We're back again talking about some books, and sadly, this month has been a month full of flops! I don't know why that is, but I can't wait to get into it with you. As always, I'm going to show you the three books that I'm going to talk about, and if you want to skip to that portion of the post, you can click on the book cover and it'll take you right there. So, these are the books I'm going to talk about.

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rumor has it by r.h. tucker - ★★ 1/2


“can’t deny that it’s insane, but it feels like the best possible way to be insane.”  - RH Tucker, Rumor Has It

I wasn't the biggest fan of this book. It wasn't the worst book in the world, but it wasn't anything special. The books is written in two perspectives, Carter and Emma. Carter was someone who wasn't bothered by rumors. His rise to popularity was due to a rumor about what happened to him during homecoming in a bathroom.

Since that moment, the rumors have only continued to spread, and it never bothered him until he accidentally texts the wrong person.

The story also follows Emma. She's never cared about being popular. All she's focused on is getting into art school. One day she gets a random text message from a stranger, and she responds. Suddenly her whole world is about to change.

It was a cute story, a little predictable, but a quick read. There wasn't much character development, and I would say that the characters are a little flat and generic, but still an enjoyable read. If you want to give this book a try yourself, you can check it out US:here or UK:here!

on a tuesday by whitney g. - ★★ 1/2


“Her favorite color is blue, even though she tells everyone it’s orange. She looks for every excuse possible to get out of going to football games, but she knows the sport pretty well, thanks to her dad. She claims she’s allergic to seafood, but I’m willing to bet that she’s never tried it. And just in case you’re not exactly who we both think you are... She goes to Highland Coffee every morning for an eight-dollar caramel latte that she really can’t afford, but it makes her happy because it reminds her of the lattes she used to buy in her hometown.” - Whitney G, On a Tuesday

I have actually read a few books by Whitney, and have always been a fan of hers. She's a great writer, but I have to say that she missed the nail on this one. It's not that this book wasn't good, I just felt like towards the end it felt a bit rushed.

The story follows Grayson Connors and Charlotte Taylor. It goes back and forth with when they were in college and 7 years later. It shows you how their friendship bloomed into it became a relationship. It shows you how their relationship fell apart. Then it shows you how they're both doing 7 years later.

It was extremely well written, but I felt when they were giving all the flashbacks, there was so much detail put into their relationship. Then when they got back to present time, there was very little that was said. I felt like it was extremely rushed. It didn't really match the slow pace of the flashbacks.

Their story was cute, well written, and had loads of personality. I definitely enjoyed the flashback parts of the book, but I wasn't a big fan of the present time parts. Like I said it wasn't a completely bad read, but I wouldn't recommend this story, because I know how much better her other stories are. If you want to give this book a try yourself, you can check it out US:here or UK:here!

meet me there by judy corry - ★★ 1/2


"Holding a grudge was like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die." - Judy Corry, Meet Me There

This was another story that had a lot of potential, but fell flat for me. I don't really like writing bad reviews, which might be why I don't really write a lot of them, but I felt like I shouldn't skip the books that weren't good and only mention the ones that I like. I should be completely honest and tell you the thoughts of all the books I read, not only the good ones.

The story is about Ashlyn Brooks. She's coming back to school after summer break. She's not with her boyfriend anymore, after all the asshole things he's done. She was finally happy to have something to keep her mind busy.

Of course on her first day back, Luke finds a way to prank her. Luke's been her prank rival for as long as she's known him.

During lunch, instead of going to the cafeteria, she ends up in a dark chemistry lab. She just needed a place to be alone and breathe a little bit. Instead she finds out she's not alone. There was a boy with a British accent in the room, and she had one of the best conversations she's had in a while.

The reality was that it wasn't a British boy, it was actually her rival Luke. At first, he thought this would be the perfect prank. Let her get close to him, and then reveal who he actually is. What actually ends up happening is that he starts to like their conversation. He keeps coming to the dark chemistry lab to have more lunches with her.

He wonders how she would react if she found out who she was really talking to.

The plot wasn't bad, but it wasn't the best written. There were more than a few grammatical error, but it was a quick and entertaining read. If you want to give this book a try yourself, you can check it out US:here or UK:here!


So these are the books I’m going to review today! If you haven’t kept up with the other books I’ve reviewed, you can check them out below:

melina's book club #10

melina's book club #9

melina’s book club pt. 8

Melina’s Book Club Pt. 7

Melina’s Book Club Pt. 6

It’s crazy how many of these I’ve written, and I sorta love it. If you guys didn’t know, you can check out all the books I’ve reviewed in 2019 on one page! Check it out. What have you been reading recently? Let me know! Thank you as always for reading. Means more than you’ll ever know. Have a wonderful day/night! Sending you love, strength, and positivity!

-Melina xxx

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  • readingwithjessica says:

    Oh no!!! I've been so excited to read something by Whitney G. Super sad you didn't love it 🙁

    • Melina Elisa says:

      I'm sorry, I'm pretty sure a while back, I read some of her pieces that I've enjoyed, but not a big fan of this one! If you decide to give it a read yourself, let me know your thoughts on it! thank you so much for reading and commenting 🙂 xx
