melina's book club #9

Hey guys! How are you this beautiful spring day? I've been loving the weather recently! I honestly am counting the days til summer comes, and so this warmer weather has literally been something I've been waiting for. It's been also doing wonders for my mood! Am I the only one who feels much more motivated and happy when the weather's nice?

I'm back today with another book post of books I've read this year. I've been reading so many books that I might have to do more than one post a month, but we'll see. I might just decide to do extra surprise book posts every once in a while to allow myself the chance to catch up to posting what I'm reading currently. We'll see what I actually end up doing.

Now we're going to talk about 3 books, just so I don't overwhelm you. As always, I'm going to show you the images of the books I'm going to talk about before getting into it. You can click on the images and it will take you to the part of the post where I'm talking about that book!

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dare you to (pushing the limits #2) by katie mcgarry -★★★ 1/2


You know what's funny? I read Pushing the Limits by Katie McGarry a while back, and then for whatever reason I skipped this one, and read crash into you. I went onto (where I buy used books super cheap. This link gives you 15% off your next purchase, and me 10% off).

So this is my first time reading this book by Katie McGarry. If you read the first book in the series, you would actually recognize Beth. This story follows Beth's character.

When Beth was younger, she had a terrible home life, which resulted her living with her aunt and uncle. Even though they don't want her to, she occasionally still goes and checks up on her mom, who is not only a terrible influence, but an alcoholic and addicted to drugs. One day, while trying to help her mom out, she ends up threatening her mom's druggie boyfriend, and somehow gets arrested. Her dad's brother comes to the rescue, and she's whisked away from everything she knew.

Now, I'm going to start and say that Beth actually reminds me a bit like Ronnie from The Last Song by Nicholas Sparks. She has a bit of an attitude problem. She's not as likable as Noah from the first book or Isaiah from the third. She's a bit of a whiner. Then there's Ryan, the love interest. He's alright? Okay, he's actually perfect, but almost too perfect for me? While reading it I thoroughly enjoyed it, but once I reread Crash Into You and though about this book in general, I thought it was...okay?

There wasn't really anything wrong with the story. The plot was pretty good, and it was actually very well written. I guess since I wasn't really hooked on the characters, the story kind of fell flat for me. Nonetheless, I still rated it a three and a half stars. It was better than the average romance novel in terms of the depth and the conflict in the story.

While I personally don't think I would reread it again, because I prefer Pushing the Limits and Crash into you, it was still a good read, and think you guys should check it out and read it for yourself! If you want to check out this book for yourself, you can get a copy US:here or UK:here.

crash into you (pushing the limits #3) by katie mcgarry -★★★★


So as I stated before, I actually read this book before. I originally read it without the context of the second book, and actually was a little confused by some things. I wanted to reread it knowing all the information from the second book. Not only that, but I remembered it being a well written book with characters I loved.

Now this book is a standalone book. You don't need to read the other books in the series to be able to read this one.

If you read the first and/or second book you would already know Isaiah. This is Isaiah's story. Isaiah doesn't know his dad, and doesn't have a relationship with his mom, cause she's been in jail for most of his life. He thought she would be back for him once she got out of jail. It's been a year since she's been out, and she never tried to contact him. Until now.

Not only is that going on in his life, but now that he's moved out with Noah, he's been struggling with money. He does the one thing he said he wasn't going to do. Drag Street Racing. But he doesn't really have a choice. It's either race or move back into Beth's uncle's house, which is something he really doesn't want to do.

At the street race, he meets Rachel. They were supposed to race, and they do. Everything was fine until the cops show up. Things go downhill from here.

All I can say about this story, is that I loved every single aspect of it. Isaiah is such a complex and interesting character, that you can't help but fall in love with. Then there's Rachel, the love interest, who's also so kind with serious anxiety issues.

It's just as well written as the other stories in the series, but plot-wise it might actually be my favorite! It's at least tied with Pushing the Limits. If you read any book in the series, you have to read this one. It's so good! If you want to get yourself a copy I recommend checking out Thrift Books and if not you can get it on Amazon US:here or UK: here!

bachelor nation: inside the world of america's favorite guilty pleasure by amy kaufman - ★★★


Now this is the last book I'm going to talk about. For those of you that have been following me for a while, you would know that I'm a huge fan of the Bachelor Franchise. It's literally one of my biggest guilty pleasures. It's so ridiculous, fake, but nonetheless entertaining!

For my birthday last year, one of my best friends, gave me this book. She knows me so well.

This book is literally an inside look into the show. They talk about the behind the scenes of how the show is made. They talk about how producers manipulate cast members into making them do what they want. Not only that, but also to make a perfectly normal person look like the season's villain!

While reading this book, my  mind was blown. There was so much that I suspected, but didn't know, but other things that I had no idea about! You are literally their pawn after you sign the contract. You may try your hardest to behave and not look crazy or anything, but they spin you to look the complete opposite! It's crazy how reality is actually made. It's not even close to being reality!

It was a super interesting read, and if anyone watches the Bachelor or is interesting in the reality of reality tv, I totally suggest checking this book out. You can get yourself a copy US:here or UK:here.

So these are the books I’m going to review today! If you haven’t kept up with the other books I’ve reviewed, you can check them out below:

melina’s book club pt. 8

Melina’s Book Club Pt. 7

Melina’s Book Club Pt. 6

Melina’s Book Club Pt. 5

What I’ve been Reading Pt. 4

It's crazy how many of these I've written, and I sorta love it. If you guys didn't know, you can check out all the books I've reviewed in 2019 on one page! Check it out. What have you been reading recently? Let me know! Thank you as always for reading. Means more than you'll ever know. Have a wonderful day/night! Sending you love, strength, and positivity!

-Melina xxx

**Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, I will earn a small commission if you click through and make a purchase. If you feel uncomfortable with this, simply search for the item yourself.**

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  • writingthebluesaway says:

    I want to read more romance books that aren’t necessarily YA or a side plot so thanks for the recommendations! I haven’t seen the Bachelor but I can imagine just how much goes on behind the scenes that no one knows about

    • Melina Elisa says:

      I'm a sucker for romance novels. I read a whole bunch of genres, but whenever I need a light-hearted book that is quicker to read than other genre, I always go back to romance. If you decide to check out any of the books I mentioned, I hope you enjoy them! Thank you so much for reading and commenting xx

  • Marie says:

    Thank you so much for these book recommendations, Melina! <3 I've been meaning to read some books by Katie McGarry and I think I'll have to add these to my TBR, especially Crash Into You as you loved it so much! 😀 Thank you! 🙂

    • Melina Elisa says:

      I hope you love it as much as I do! I can't wait to hear your thoughts on it! xx
