traveling anxiety.

As I'm getting ready to travel, I'm starting to get the travel anxiety. It's crazy right? I love traveling, and yet something that I should only excited for, leaves me anxious.

I know I'm going to have fun, I know it's going to be nothing but great experiences, and yet I still am left with a feeling of unease.

I feel like some of it comes from the uncertainty of what the future holds. It's the same anxiety I feel during the first week of school. The same feeling I get when going on an interview.


Traveling to a new place...somewhere out of my norm, leaves me anxious.

I remember the first time I went on a flight by myself, it was the most nerve wrecking experience of my life. I was a mess almost two weeks before the trip. I sometimes have trouble going to the store by myself, because of the way it makes me feel. Me going on a flight was a whole other ballpark.

I did it, and as you know, the world didn't end.


Honestly, it was actually kind of liberating. I never imagined that I would do something like that by myself, and not only did I do it, but I survived. I know I sound extremely dramatic, but anxiety can be so crippling at times.

It can sometimes stop me from doing simple things like answering the phone, or god forbid, calling someone myself.

But here I was, going on an airplane by myself. It's something that I'm actually extremely proud of. Not only did I do it once, but I've actually have done it for 2 1/2 round trips (one way back, I brought my grandma home with me).


While I'm not allowing my anxiety to stop me from doing one of the things I love doing the most, I can't say that it doesn't take a toll on me. Prior to the trip, I'm a ball of anxiety.

Depending on the trip, I could be extremely anxious throughout the trip. I can happily say that I haven't felt that in quite a while (since I've learned to handle my anxiety better). Then after the trip, not only am I physically exhausted from all the walking, the flights, etc, I also feel extremely mentally drained.

Fighting anxiety can be extremely exhausting, especially when you're trying to make sure it doesn't ruin something as important as a vacation. I come back and all I want to do is rest. That's exactly why I usually try to come back on a Saturday. It allows me to have the rest of Saturday and Sunday to rest, before coming back to work.


Traveling is one of my favorite things in the world. Nothing makes me happier than getting to experience new things, having fun, adventuring out into the world, and honestly almost everything about traveling.

Even though traveling makes me as happy as it does, I don't think I've ever talked about the mental toll traveling can have on me. That feeling of being on edge, uneasy, and just overall uncertain. While the pros definitely out way the cons, and while I don't really get too much anxiety anymore while I'm actually on my trip, I used to.

I used to get so overwhelmed, not really knowing why I felt that way, and it would ruin my whole day. It has actually ruined trips for me before. I just wanted to be alone, and would burst out in tears, without really knowing why I felt the way I did. On top of all the feelings I was having, I felt like a freak. Who gets anxious while going on vacation? A place you're supposed to feel the most relaxed. A place that's supposed to give you pleasure?


It was a weird place for me to be. I was so happy to be traveling, and yet I was plagued by those feelings of anxiety. I've been traveling a few times a year now for many years, and I know now that I'm not a "freak" for feeling that anxiety. It can be perfectly normal for feeling overwhelmed by the unknown.

Like I said, I have been managing it much better in recent years. My anxiety as a whole has improved significantly. I still get anxiety before a trip, and even some after a trip. I know that that's okay.

I accept the feelings I feel, but I also try not to allow it to ruin my experiences. I hope that with time, as traveling becomes much more of a norm for me, I might get rid of my pre-travel anxiety. If it doesn't go away, that's okay too.


This is something I came to terms with extremely recently. I didn't want to admit that something like traveling, which most people only connect with positive associations, could also have some negative feelings associated for me.

I'm not ashamed to say that traveling makes me anxious. Coming back home from a trip also makes me anxious. It's okay for me to admit that now. I hope something can relate to what I'm saying, and if you do, I promise you that it's okay to feel this way.

It's okay to feel anxious, we just have to remind ourselves to not let those feelings take over and win.


Do you get travel anxiety? Let me know in the comments down below. Thank you so much for reading.

Sending you love, strength, and positivity.

-melina xx



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  • Marie says:

    Oh Melina, I'm so, so, so happy you wrote this post, I just feel so SEEN. Thank you. I've always had a little bit of travel anxiety and, as I'm preparing for upcoming trips as well, I'm getting the very same feelings again and it's just.... it makes me feel so frustrated because, like you perfectly said it, travelling makes me the happiest and yet here I am, being an entire mess about it all and panicky and... feeling stupid about it. I'm really glad that I'm not alone in this. Thank you so much <3

    • Melina Elisa says:

      omg, I'm so glad to hear that you relate to this, I felt more than a little silly writing this post. While I know, I can't be the only person who feels the way I feel, I still feel like this is something that's not completely normal? Thank you so much for your lovely comment! I hope you enjoy your travels love, I can't wait to hear all about it xx

      • Marie says:

        I'm really glad you did, because this made me realize I'm not alone. Thank you for that <3

  • The Style of Laura Jane says:

    I get so nervous about flying. Literally the day of my flight, I'm a bag of nerves until I land in the country. I relate to being nervous about making phone calls and going to new places, even though it's exciting. I've thought about going abroad alone but I know I'll end up staying indoors and being nervous about going around alone. xx

    • Melina Elisa says:

      I've considered doing solo travel too! I get anxious going around the towns around me by myself! Some days more than others, but today i'm actually quite proud of myself for being in this cafe right now getting some blog work done 🙂 x

  • Zoë says:

    I always get awful travel anxiety, despite actually loving travelling to a new place! Ive also written a post on this in the past! My biggest fear about getting on an aeroplane is actually going to the toilet... I don't really understand it myself, but hey! Im doing a lot more travelling this summer, so Im hoping I can start to control it a bit better so I can actually enjoy the experience! Enjoy your travelling my lovely!! xx

    • Melina Elisa says:

      lmfaoo, I'm actualy not afraid of toilet restrooms, but i totally understand why you might be! They're so cramped, I've feared falling inside the toilet!
      I hope you feel better throughout the summer as you continue to travel more and more 🙂 Happy travels xxx

  • Kate Loves Travel says:

    I’m exactly the same... it’s strange isn’t it! Mine is down to a loss of control I think - I’m such a planner and you can’t always plan when you’re going somewhere new!

    • Melina Elisa says:

      That's true, I love the idea of adventure, I never considered that I don't really like losing control? Every time I get extremely anxious, I sit down and wonder why I feel the way I do. I guess it comes down to being a little afraid of the unknown. Like you said, you can't plan when you're going somewhere new! You can't sometimes plan even when you're going someone not new! Thank you so much for reading and commenting 🙂 x

  • beautylifemom says:

    I get this way when there are too many things going on at the same time, like right now. I know everything will be fine but putting everything together makes it seem like a bigger deal than it is!! Anxiety sucks!! Glad you’re not letting it hold you back though!! Miss you and the blogging community! Xx Jen

  • alwayscleia says:

    I don't really get anxious about being in my travel destination but I get super anxious about flying. I literally think I'm going to die every time I get on a plane. Once I get to the destination I'm fine, but then I start getting worried about the flight home. I know planes are supposed to be super safe and the likely hood of being in a plane crash is so small but I can't help it!

    I also like to come home a day or two before going back to work. After all the flights it's nice to have a day to unwind!

    • Melina Elisa says:

      omg, while I'm not nervous about getting on planes, I completely get where you're coming from! I have so many friends who have never traveled on a plane because they're afraid of planes! At least you have never let your fear stop you from flying! Thank you so much for reading and talking about your experiences 🙂 x
