Dear Diary 014 [summer's over, going back to therapy, & redecorating my room]

We're already half-way through September, and I'm not completely sure how I feel about it. The temperature is starting to cool down at night, which are the first signs of the fall and winter months. As someone who struggles with mental health, I definitely thrive in the sun.

I love the changing of the seasons, but in the same breathe, I get nervous about what this means for my mental health. Especially this year. The pandemic is still going strong in the US, and even though indoor dining has opened up, it's not necessarily something I feel comfortable with.

I know that during the fall there are still a lot of outdoor activities available, but I don't know what this means during the colder months. I love spending the winter in cafes, eating out with my friends, and going to the bars & clubs. This year? I don't think any of that is happening. I mean, I don't know. Maybe things will change between now and then.

Redecorating my Room

In other news, I've started redecorating my room. I want to move out soon, but I honestly haven't been happy with my room for a while now. Since I've been spending much more time at home, I knew it was time to redecorate. I've been slowly buying a few things to spruce up the space. I got a couch cover, some new pillow covers, and new photo frames! It's just a few things, but my space feels so fresh. I'm honestly obsessed.

Going Back to Therapy

I've been struggling for my mental health for a few months now, and while I've been using all the coping mechanisms that my old therapist had taught me, I knew it was time to go back to therapy. I had noticed that my mood was plummeting and my anxiety was increasing, and since I didn't want it to get worse, I called a professional.

As of now, I've only been to two sessions (3 by the time you read this), but I honestly feel so much better at the end of every session. It's such a nice way to talk through your thoughts, and just work on yourself in general. I have always felt that therapy is something that everyone should go to. Talking to a therapist is such a non-judgement safe space. Even though I've only gone to a couple of sessions, I already know that it was a great idea.

For the most part the last month has been pretty slow, but eventful at the same time? I think that's where I'm going to end this post. How have you guys been? Let me know! As always, sending you love, strength, and positivity xx

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  • Marie says:

    I always struggle with the summer ending, just as well. I'm glad you've been feeling better by going to therapy, again, love and I hope that September has ended on a good note for you. Take care of yourself always <3

    • Melina Elisa says:

      September has ended in a bittersweet way, but I'm trying to take it with stride. I hope you're doing well, sending you lots of positive vibes 🙂 xx

  • K.M. Sutton says:

    I feel the same way. I am so sad for summer to have OFFICIALLY ended. I also can relate because I to am a sun person. With it getting darker I just want to go to bed. Redecorating your room is always fun! And good for you for seeing a therapist. mental health is so important especially right now. Sending you so much love and light beauty! <3

    • Melina Elisa says:

      Thanks so much! I bought myself some vitamin D pills to take on the daily, and it's helped me a bit! So if you're struggling from lack of sun, I recommend. Thanks so much love! I hope you're doing well as well 🙂 x

  • Rhi // The Violet Journal says:

    I can't believe it's already September - I feel like I'm stuck back in March. Good luck in therapy! I really miss it and I'm planning on going back as soon as I can afford it.

    • Melina Elisa says:

      Girl, trust me, i feel the same way! Where has the time gone? How is there only 3 months left in the year? I hope you get to go to therapy soon ! Thanks so much for reading and commenting : ) x

  • Kiran says:

    I would love to read more about your room redecoration, I am trying to find inspiration for my own room and really struggling to come up with ideas I am happy with. Great to hear that you are back in therapy and it is helping, thank you for sharing. Great post xx

    ALittleKiran | Bloglovin

    • Melina Elisa says:

      I will definitely make a post about what I'm doing to redecorate my room! Thanks for the post suggestion 🙂 also, thank you for reading and commenting xx
