A big life catch-up: march 2022

After disappearing for most of the month of March, I though that instead of doing a Fridaze, I would catch you all up on my life. I love these chatty catch ups, plus it's cool to look back on the month and see everything I've done. So let's chat for a bit!

Cooking a Lot

I've been really working on brushing up on my cooking skills. Not only that, but I really like the idea of knowing exactly what I'm putting into my body! Me & J have done a lot of cooking, and luckily everything has come out delicious.

I've never really been a big fan of fish, but I've given it another chance, and we have made some really delicious salmon dishes! If you have any recipes you swear by, please send them my way.

Rewatching Lord of the Rings

I have never been a fan of the Lord of the Rings movies (I know, don't hate me!). I really liked the games growing up, but I always felt like the movies were so long, and not worth spending hours watching them.

Well, J is a huge fan of Lord of the Rings, as is Amanda. Therefore, we decided to watch the movies all together (in hopes that me and Amanda's boyfriend, David, change our minds). We have only watched the first movie so far (extended edition), and I actually really enjoyed it! While I still felt like the movie was super long, it wasn't as terrible as I remember it being.

Wish me luck with the other two!

Catching up with friends

During this month, I got lots of lunches and dinners with friends. It's been nice catching up with some of them, which I haven't seen in months!

Patty's Wedding

One of the highlights of my month is the wedding for my close friend, Patty. The reception was beautiful (I actually teared up and choked up a bit), and I was so happy to be there on her special day.

She had her wedding in upstate New Jersey, and since it was a bit of a drive, me and J decided to book a hotel for the night. The whole thing was a really great experience, it was filled with so much happiness and love.

Juan Luis Guerra concert

Another highlight of my month was going to see one of my all time favorite Dominican artists! Juan Luis Guerra was one of my bucket list artists to see eventually, so I was so excited when my parents got tickets for our whole family for Christmas.

It was an amazing concert, and I would 100% recommend seeing him if you're a fan of his music.

Eating Out a lot

While I've spent a lot of time cooking recently, I've always spend a lot of time trying out new restaurants and eating out! Ever since Covid has gotten a lot less serious, I'm just really trying to enjoy my life and experience as much as possible.

Luna's First Birthday

On March 30th, it was Luna's birthday. I feel like she's grown up so much since we first got her. I'm so happy that she joined our family last year. I bought her a new squeaky toy, a doggy cupcake, a doggy birthday bone, and a whole bunch of special treats! She was so happy. She didn't know why she was getting all this extra special attention, but was 100% loving it!

Binging Vox Machina

Last month I binged Peacemaker, and it was amazing. This month, my favorite show has been The Legends of Vox Machina. It's an animated show that's based on a Youtube channel that uploads Dungeons & Dragons campaign adventures. The channel had picked up so much traction, that they created a show based on the campaign they had created.

The show is good regardless of whether or not you have played Dungeons & Dragons before, but it's extra entertaining when you have played before. There will be moments when the characters unsuccessfully do something, and all I keep thinking is they must have rolled so low.

Season 2 is supposed to come out some time this summer, so I'm extremely excited about that one!

Trying to find balance in my life

As fun as this month has been, there have been moments where I just feel extremely overwhelmed. While everything that I've done has been a ton of fun, sometimes I just need to recharge.

It's tricky trying to find the perfect balance between work, reading, working out, playing videogames, watching all the shows I want to watch, my friends, my family, and my new-ish boyfriend. Some people seem like they have it all figured out, but me? Not so much. I know that eventually I'll find the perfect balance, but this month was not that month. As of now, April is seeming to be a much slower month, so I'm very happy about that.

Shows/Movies I’ve Watched:

  • Sword Art Online Season 1 episodes 8-12 [Netflix]
  • Community Season 1 episodes 18-25, Season 2 episodes1-21 [Netflix]
  • Barry all of Seasons 1 & 2 [HBO Max]
  • The Batman [2022]
  • The Boys Season 1 episodes 1-2 [Amazon Prime Video]
  • Vox Machina Season 1 episodes 1-12 [Amazon Prime Video]

Books I’ve Been Reading:

  • Deconstructed by Liz Talley
  • Anything You Do Say by Gillian McAllister
  • Piece of Work by Staci Hart
  • Full by Julia Spiro
  • The Cruel Prince (The Folk of the Air #1) by Holly Black
  • The Lost Sisters (The Folk of the Air #1.5) by Holly Black
  • The Wicked King (The Folk of the Air #2) by Holly Black
  • The Queen of Nothing (The Folk of the Air #3) by Holly Black
  • How the King of Elfhame Learned to Hate Stories (The Folk of the Air #3.5) by Holly Black

When I have everything laid out like this, I can definitely see all that I did! I was even proud of how much I read in the month of March compared to other months this year. How has your March gone? Please let me know in the comments down below! As always, sending you love, strength, and positivity xx

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  • Marie @ drizzle & hurricane books says:

    I'm so excited to hear you're cooking more, that's so great! I find it hard to find the motivation to cook, especially when it comes to meals... I'm much more of a dessert person ahah 🙂 Still, if you're looking to do more with salmon (adore it!), definitely recommend trying salmon burgers with coconut caramelized pineapple. I love that recipe, i think you can easily find it online 🙂
    I so get it about balancing everything. There's so much to do and so little time. Sending you all the love! xx

    • Melina Elisa says:

      Thank so much for reading, and for the cooking recipe, I haven't been cooking as much, other than basic things since I've been so busy, but I'm definitely going to look into it! Hope youre doing well, especially with this beautiful weather xx

  • Cleia says:

    I can't believe we're almost in MAY and I'm just catching up on your month of March, where does all the time go!? I'm glad you're enjoying Lord of the rings this time around, I love the original trilogy but I found the hobbit with it's three seperate three hour movies to be a bit much. Nobody asked for a single book to require that much script LOL

    How are you liking that Holly black series? I've only seen some reviews on Goodreads, and I'm about to finish the Sarah J Mass Throne of glass series so I need something new!

    I hope your April is amazing so far!

    ps. i don't know why, but I never see replys back through wordpress so if you reply and I don't I promise I'm not ignoring you, I'm just not getting notifications for some reason!

    • Cleia says:

      Oh AND! I meant to link this, here is my go to salmon recipe: https://www.lecremedelacrumb.com/baked-honey-sriracha-lime-salmon/

      This food blog in general is incredible, we use it all the time 🙂

    • Melina Elisa says:

      I really enjoyed Holly Black's series! I kind of wish she created a spin-off, because the world's just so interesting. I've never read a book that has to do with fairies. I also like her style of writing.
      You know after watching the first LOTR, my friend group has not gone back and watched the second or third.
      And thank you so much for the recipe! I'm going to have a look around their entire blog now, aha. Hope you're doing well 🙂 xx

  • Lua says:

    Wow it looks like you had an amazing month! I don't know how you manage to do all that stuff AND also work, read, etc, I'm definitely have to manage better my time hahaha.
    I hope you have a wonderful day!

    • Melina Elisa says:

      It's definitely a bit tough to balance it all out, and I'm definitely feeling the burnout a bit! I've been taking it easy the past week or so, and I feel much more recharged. Thanks so much for reading and commenting 🙂 xx
