Trip Recap: Chicago!

A few summers ago, me, my sister, and my best friend, Erika, went to Chicago! It was super spontaneous, and I'm so glad we went, because it was amazing. We did so many things while we were there.


We got there pretty late at night, so we didn't do much except find someplace to eat dinner. The morning afterwards we decided to start our adventure! We went to this amazing Mexican restaurant around the corner. The food was amazing! We also decided to go to this local bookstore, which is something I like to do when traveling! I just love supporting small businesses, especially bookstores.

After that we went to the fashion district to check out the Urban Outfitters there. They have this building where they sell everything on sale! Erika found herself this really cute purse, and I got myself a sweater. We walked all around the city. Checked out the beach, which is actually Lake Michigan! That night we went to a murder mystery dinner. Our table was super friendly and were super interactive in terms of trying to find out who the murderer was. It was a good experience and would do it again!


The following morning, we went and did more sight seeing! We went to Millennial Park, and checked out the Giant Bean. We went to try the famous Chicago Pan Pizza. I have to say, I wasn't a huge fan, but it was an experience!

We even went to a Chicago Cubs baseball game! This was my first real baseball game, and I loved it! We had amazing seats, and we got them for a steal. The stadium itself was so cute. There were vines along some of the walls. The crowd has so much spirit. It was just the perfect experience.


We even found this delicious sushi place, which is where I had sweet potato rolls for the first time. I'm telling you that was a life changing moment. They are one of my favorite rolls to this day. Finally, on our last day there, we went to the aquarium! The place was huge, and there was so much to see.


Overall, Chicago was amazing. It was such a family friendly environment. There were people walking dogs everywhere. People were super friendly compared to New York City. There was amazing food at every corner. I really want to go back another summer, since I wasn't 21 when I last went! All I have to say is you guys have to check Chicago out, totally different than a lot of the major cities I've checked out.


I hope you enjoyed reading, and had an amazing day/night!

-Melina xxx

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  • Em says:

    Looks awesome, definitely on my list of places to go! xoxo

    • ivefoundwaldo says:

      You have to come and visit nyc first! Thanks for reading Em xxx

  • Britt says:

    I love Chicago, and am well overdue for a trip back! Looks like you had a great time!

    Britt |

    • ivefoundwaldo says:

      I did have such a great time! Thanks so much for reading xxx

  • Kaiesha Stewart says:

    How cool! Also, camera quality is amazing, what camera do you use?! xx

    • ivefoundwaldo says:

      Thanks so much! I use a canon rebel 3ti:) thanks for reading xxx

  • Ashlynn says:

    Looks like a super fun time! I haven't been there yet, but the plan is to go one day. Love the photos! Murder mystery dinner sounds super exciting and different - I've never heard of such things, but then again, I've only recently found out about Escape Rooms!

    • ivefoundwaldo says:

      Escape the rooms are the best! I've done so many of them, and they are always enjoyable. I just feel like Nancy Drew! Thanks for reading Ashlynn xxx
