There Should be Balance.

I'm at that point in my life that everyone's totally kicking ass in terms of their careers.  Not everyone can be put in that category, but the people that I surround myself on a daily basis definitely are. People who work hard at reaching their dreams are people who motivate me to reach for mine!

While working towards creating a future for yourself is extremely important, I feel like there should be a balance. A balance between doing some things that make you happy and working for a future.


I've always been a firm believer of enjoying life to the fullest, well most of the time. I'm the person always trying to perfect the balancing act between work and enjoyment.

For example, my father is the hardest working person I know. He wakes up at ungodly hours, and comes home rather late. He works almost 365 days a year (excluding Sundays). He literally works his ass off, and takes no time off to enjoy any of his hard work! He's been working like a mule for for 25+ years, and doesn't really enjoy his life as much as I think he should.


It wasn't til about mid 2017, where I saw him to start making changes in his life to start actually living. He's traveling more, going to concerts, eating out more, and just doing things he likes! It's made me so happy to watch him go through this transformation.

He's not the only one I know that lives their life with all work and no play! I have a few friends that could fall into this category too. It's one thing if your job makes you completely  happy, and you're doing it because you love what you do. It's a completely other thing if you're working your ass off, and building your life up for a comfortable future.


I always say, "Life's too short", and it is. You've seen the shootings happening left and right, the illness that ruin people's lives, and other unexpected circumstances. While it's perfectly fine to plan and save for a future, you have to remember to actually live your life. Live in the present.

It's a tough thing to balance out to be honest. How much time should you spend planning for your potential future compared to enjoying the present? What's the responsible thing to do?

While you don't want to be irresponsible, I think you should want to be able to look back at your life one day and be happy and proud of all the amazing things you've gotten to experience throughout your life. You want to have loads of amazing stories to tell to your friends/family members/kids/significant other.

How do you guys balance work and play? Do you think you should work now for a future? Let me know in the comments below!

I hope you guys have a wonderful day/night. Sending you all love, strength, and positivity!

-Melina xx

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  • amandaonfiction says:

    Great post! Definitely agree there should be a balance. My kids need me here in the present, but I also need to provide them with a future.

    • ivefoundwaldo says:

      Thanks so much for reading and commenting Amanda! I hope we're one step closer to finding that balance today compared to yesterday 🙂 xxx

  • Marie says:

    Oh what an interesting post, I love it so much <3 I think and feel like it's so hard to find balance between work and fun. I feel like I have to work because it's important, obviously, but I don't currently love my job so it's important not to let it consume me and to take time for myself to travel and not to lose my mind, haha. That being said, with a job that would fascinate me, I think it would be so important too, to find the right balance between everything. Point is, we always should remember why we do what we do, to look back on these years with no regrets 🙂
    Lovely post! x

    • ivefoundwaldo says:

      You are so right, we should always look at why we do the things we do and not stress over over analyzing. Living without regrets is probably one of the best things to do 🙂 Thanks for reading and the thoughtful comment Marie xxx

  • scar says:

    I completely agree. I also think it's important to work out what you care about the most and then structure your life around that. I used to have a really well-paid job but I hated the industry and I was exhausted and stressed all the time. Now I earn less money but I quite like what I do day to day, and I also have much more time to myself which I enjoy.

    • ivefoundwaldo says:

      you are the dream! People still to this day misinterpret what being happy truly is. They believe that if you have a lot of money you will be happy. That is extremely far from the truth. Money makes you happy until you have all your basic necessities. After that, it doesn't really affect you as much as people think. I want to find true happiness between work and my everyday life. Thank you so much for the thoughtful comment xxx

  • Angela says:

    I can't agree more: There should be balance! Working hard shouldn't make you unhappy and I see so many people around me being unhappy because they want to make a kick-ass carreer for themselves. It shouldn't bring down your hapiness. It should be balanced out. Great post!

    • ivefoundwaldo says:

      I always think the same thing, and I'm so glad that you agree with me! Thanks for reading and commenting 🙂 xxx

  • Jen (@beautlifemom) says:

    While I like to be focused and make my work count, it’s easy for me to just chill, I don’t think I could ever be a workaholic per se, it’s just not in me- I like breaks and relaxing so for me that part isn’t hard. I do have to make myself go out here and there a little more or at least have plans scheduled cause if left to myself I’d stay in all the time lol. I enjoyed reading this Melina! XX Jen

    • ivefoundwaldo says:

      Thanks so much for reading and commenting Jen! I go back and forth between being extremely lazy and relaxed and then going into workaholic mode. It just totally depends on what's going on at the moment. I'm so glad you enjoyed reading 🙂 xx

  • fkf77 says:

    This post is amzing. I love your writng style. The example of your father wrking is incredible. I can personally atest to my own father (step father, technially) working hard to provide for his family but also how he is staring to enjoy the fruits of his labor now that he has my younger sisters to occupy his time. Have a great day!!

    • ivefoundwaldo says:

      omg, thank you so much! I always thought my style of writing was so inferior compared to other writers, so it means the world that you like the way I write! Thank you love, I hope you have a great weekend 🙂 x

  • Anna says:

    Two years my mother got a burn-out from working. That was a turning point for my whole family. We're now enjoying the quiet time and living in the moment. Balance is key! I loved this post! Much love, Anna

    • ivefoundwaldo says:

      Some people are truly workaholics and don't think it's important to have fun and relax until they are much older and settled! Thank you so much for reading and your thoughtful comment xx

  • The Style of Laura Jane says:

    Now one of my favourite posts of yours! My parents have a really strong work ethic, particularly my mum who has forever worked long hours, doesn't take her holidays and generally puts everything into her career. So it's made me want to be just as motivated.
    In saying that, I've also realised the shortness of life and I don't believe in the whole - work hard now, have fun later. Rarely the case for most people. I try to level out my day. Like I will always set big tasks to achieve, and then choose something fun or relaxing after. xxx

    • ivefoundwaldo says:

      Omg, thank you so much! It means so much to me to hear that this is one of your favorite posts ever written by me!
      You and me are definitely on the same boat in terms of work and fun! Thank you so much for reading and for the most amazing thoughtful comment ever. It truly has made my day xxx
