What are my biggest challenges?

I have had a blog since December of 2016, and have never joined in on Bloganuary. I honestly didn't know it existed until it popped up on my dashboard this morning. I wasn't planning on writing a post today, just catch up on some of my favorites' posts (here, here, here). I don't know how consistent I will be with these daily challenges, because the last time I posted every day for a month was when I started my blog back in 2016, and joined in on Blogmas.

Let's see how far I get writing these. So what is my biggest challenge? First and foremost, I would say the battle I have with my own anxiety is a daily battle and challenge. It's more challenging some times more than others, but it's something I still have to deal with every single day. And it gets exhausting. It adds an extra layer of complications to everything I do.

The other day I was proud of myself for overcoming my social anxiety, and went to the mall and Barnes & Nobles by myself. I never had social anxiety to that extent until after Covid. And that's just one example of how anxiety has made my life more difficult.

I think one thing that stems from my anxiety, is my ability to doubt myself. And in 2024, that is my biggest challenge. Of course I will always have to deal with that, but something I've been working on overcoming is giving myself more credit than I currently do. I am so quick to defend and uplift those closest to me, but when it comes to myself? It's hard to genuinely believe in myself and my abilities. It's hard to have faith in myself and just think that I am deserving of all the good that has come my way.

It's not something I can fix overnight, and if you guys have been around for a while, you would know that this is something I've struggled with since high school. But time and time again, it is the biggest challenge I face. And I am way better than I was back in high school, but it's something I'm still working on. Something I will continue to improve, until it is no longer the biggest challenge I face.

But let me know, what are your biggest challenges? How will you hope to overcome them or get closer to overcoming them in 2024?

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  • Anonymous says:

    Happy New Year.

    I really hope this new year brings you loads of peace and happiness. I think my challenge for this year is to think more about my feelings before anyone else's and to be consistent with blogging lol.

    • Melina Elisa says:

      Those are two great goals, I hope you achieve both of those things! Happy new year 🎇
