Let's talk about Guns.

6 days. Another school shooting happened 6 days ago. This is the 18th mass shooting since 2018 began. This is an average of 3 shootings a month. Things have to change.

I have went back and forth in my head deciding whether or not to write about this. This is a controversial topic, and while lots of hate can occur from what I'm about to write about, I have to use my platform in order to speak my mind.

Do you know how many lives have been killed in the United States in 2018 because of mass shooting? 23 thousand. No, this number is not an exaggeration. I honestly wish it was.

I have not been a person that has been surrounded by guns my whole life, so I don't really understand the attachment people have to these weapons. What I do know is, why do so many people's lives have the suffer at the expense of someone having a gun?

Every other country that has enforced their gun laws has made mass shootings a thing of the past. The UK, has only had one since they changed their laws in 1996. Australia hasn't had any since 1996. How can people say that enforcing gun laws doesn't change anything? These countries are proof that it does!

People say that video games and music cause violence. These countries have ALL of these same things, and yet, they still don't have 3x weekly mass shootings. They say mental health is the cause of mass shootings. Firstly, why did they make it easier for people with mental health issues to own a gun as of last year? Secondly, other countries also have people with mental health issues, and it doesn't happen over there.

Something has to change. I've watched Emma Gonzalez's speech about 2-3 times, and each time, it tears me up. Please watch.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZxD3o-9H1lY&w=560&h=315]

Look up ways that you can create change in the United States. There are multiple walk outs scheduled around the country. The first official one takes place on March 14 (one month after Florida school shooting). It starts at 10am and should last 17 minutes (one minute for every life that was lost at the shooting).

The second one is supposed to take place on April 20th (the 19th anniversary of the Columbine High School massacre in Colorado) This one is said to also take place at 10am, should last the entire day.

Sending you love, strength, and positive energy. Please stay safe. Please try to create change.


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  • Rebecca Henderson says:

    I like hearing your perspective. Going to school and facing gun violence is just something I can't imagine. It's amazing seeing the pupils rallying together to get their voices heard to create change.

    Guns have been banned in the UK for a while. You can still get a license for farms and hunting but they aren't available from shops, there's no clubs and we don't have a constitution in the same sense as people in America do. If guns were more widely available in the UK, it's something I'd be actively against. I can understand why you want to voice your opinion. It's devastating seeing people with such potential being gunned down so violently. I really hope this time the US government listens to the kids campaigning.

    I know banning guns doesn't stop these events completely but, surely it's got to help?

    • ivefoundwaldo says:

      That's how I feel! Thanks for reading and your thoughtful comment. I know it probably comes down to money, but I think there should be a point where money shouldn't matter!

  • Yasmin Rebecca (@sweetsevenfive) says:

    I completely agree with you Melina, I'm from England and I couldn't imagine having ever had gone to school having to worry about something like this. I really hope everyone continues to fight this campaign because it is time for change, no child - or any human for that matter should worry about going into their school/workplace and being murdered for no reason.

    Yasmin 💗
    The Sweet Seven Five

    • ivefoundwaldo says:

      It's honestly such a terrifying state the country is in at the moment, and it's so disheartening to see. I honestly hope something changes soon, because I don't know much more death I can handle:/ Thanks for reading and commenting xx

  • fkf77 says:

    I am actually planning on walking out on March 14 and April 20 because it's so important that the nation sees how high school students are going to deal with this intolerant behavior towards our lives. The government says that it's fine to join the army and own firearms at 18, but drinking isn't allowed until a good four years later. Baffled is my response to the governement.

    • ivefoundwaldo says:

      Yes! Take a stand and protest. It's your right as an American. I would love to know how it goes for you! xx

  • Always Cleia says:

    I hope that Florida will be the last mass shooting and that conversation on gun control will remain open for discussion now. As a Canadian it's absolutely baffling to me the need to own a gun, or how easy it is to acquire one!
    It's heartbreaking watching the news and seeing the latest gun violence every day. I hope positive change will come soon..

    • ivefoundwaldo says:

      There is so much death and pain that's happened within the United States in direct relation to guns, I don't understand why people decide to keep things the same.
      I do know that it definitely has something to do with money, but people's lives should matter a whole lot more than the amount of money they are given:/

      • Always Cleia says:

        Agreed, lives are always more important. I saw that Trump suggested raising the age required to own a firearm to 21 and he was shut down because you can enlist in the army at 18 so the debate is if you can enlist you should be able to own a firearm. Which baffles me, the drinking age is 21, so why if people aren't considered responsible enough to drink at 18 should they be able to buy a gun!?
        It doesn't make any sense to me...

        • ivefoundwaldo says:

          Trust me, I feel the same way, and I live here!

  • The Style of Laura Jane says:

    I think it's quite sickening that people want to own and keep an item that can literally kill many within seconds. I watched on TV once, a guy said how he needs a gun otherwise all the bad guys have them and not the good guys. So again it's like...why not make the laws more strict?
    I can't even think what it will take to make some Americans open their eyes and realise the danger. It's the same story on repetition right. xxx

    • ivefoundwaldo says:

      Shooting in a shooting range is one thing, but the idea of having a weapon outside of a secure enclosure is dangerous. Even if they don't plan to use it in a negative way, it's something that does more harm than good.
