Fridaze 010

Can you believe this is the 10th one I've written? I feel like I just started writing them super recently, and yet here we are! This week has been a hectic one, and while most are, this one has been much more chaotic overall. Let's hop right into it.

Pier 13

The first thing that happened at the beginning of this week was that I went out and had a last hurrah! One of my friends is a teacher, and she knew that once school started, her schedule was going to be a lot busier. I always have a good time when I'm at Pier 13, and while there was different people compared to last time, I still felt like it was was super chill and easy vibes.

Went on a Date

After messaging someone for a little over two weeks, I went on a date! I was 100% super nervous. There are so many things that can go wrong when you're meeting someone for the first time. They could be a catfish. The conversation could not flow at all. It could be super awkward. Worst case scenario, they never show up.

Luckily, none of the above happened! I don't really want to share too much, but I had a really good time, and am looking forward to our second date.

Hurricane Ida hits us pretty hard

On Wednesday, Hurricane Ida made it's way up to us. While I usually don't like to go out when it's raining, I never expected it to rain as much as it did. At some point in the evening our dog didn't want to go out to use the bathroom, because it was raining so hard! We decided to take her to our front yard, since have a covered area in the front. What we didn't expect to find was the water levels rising in the streets as much as it did!

We all ended up running around our house, trying to get our clothes on to move our cars into the driveway. I ended up getting some water in my car's exhaust in the floors of my car were soaked! I know it could have been way worse, but I wish we had thought to put our cars in the driveway in the first place.

On top of that, we got a little bit of water in our basement, but it was less than an inch's worth, so definitely not too bad!

There were some people who drowned and passed away, lots of people who's cars were completely flooded, so we are definitely one of the lucky ones.

Shows/Movies I’ve Watched This Week:

  • Bachelor in Paradise [Live TV]
  • Double Jeopardy [Netflix]

Games I’ve Been Playing This Week:

  • Mario Kart 8 Deluxe [Switch]
  • Cozy Grove [Switch]
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