Fridaze 009

Can you believe it's Friday already? Not only that, but it's the final full week of August! It's definitely a bittersweet feeling. Especially with the last 18 months we've had, I kind of wish Summer lasted a little bit longer this year.

While I can stay hopeful that Summer stays for a lil bit longer, I am also really excited for Halloween! I've been thinking about what I want to be this year. I always throw a Halloween Party, and then on top of that, I also try to go out for at least one night! We'll see how it works out this year with Covid and everything, but I'm hoping that things will be okay by then.

Now this past week wasn't the most eventful, but it also had a few good things happen! Let's chat for a bit.

My Uncle Visited from DC

The first exciting bit of news that's happened to me in the past week is the fact that my uncle and his boyfriend came to visit for the first time in about a year and a half! We normally see him for the holidays, but in 2020, he didn't come up because of Covid. It was nice to catch up and spend the weekend with them!

We talked everything Dungeons & Dragons, Marvel, Politics, etc. I feel like I absorb so much information when I'm hanging out with the both of them. Overall it was a great time, and hopefully I'll get the chance to visit them before the holidays come around!

D&D with the 2nd Group

Since it's Summer, a few of us have taken vacations, and so we haven't had the chance to play in a little over a month! This week we were able to get together, and it was a good time. It's honestly always a good time when we all play.

We also scheduled the day for our next session, so that's also something to look forward to!

Bachelor in Paradise

Bachelor in Paradise started last week, and normally I'll have the girls over my house to watch it with me. When it started, I was dog sitting at my aunt's house, so I didn't have anyone over. This week, my friend Christina came over! We caught up with each other, and were able to watch it together.

I didn't realize that they were planning on doing two episodes a week, and so I am behind at the moment. It's not that big of a deal, cause I'll catch up before Monday's next episode!

Cut my Bangs

Bangs are such a tricky thing, because sometimes I want them long, and sometimes I want them to be cute and short. Earlier this week, my hair dried curly, and I thought my bangs looked too long! So I decided to give them a little snip. Let me tell you...they didn't come out so great.

I usually cut my own hair, and it normally comes out good! This time around, I don't know what got into me, but I cut it when it was dry and curly. I mean I'm probably going to be able to fix it when I blow dry it this weekend, but for now they're just ehh.

Shows/Movies I’ve Watched This Week:

  • Bachelor in Paradise [Live TV]
  • Falcon & the Winter Soldier [Disney+]
  • Loki [Disney+]
  • Vincenzo Episodes 1-2 [Netflix]
  • Toradora Episodes 1-2 [Netflix]

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  • Laura Jane says:

    It's so nice being able to see family again. I saw my uncle last weekend as well. My family usually meets up at Christmas but of course we couldn't last year.
    I hope you fix your bangs and become happy with them. They can be a nightmare to cut but it's a great feeling when hair stops irritating your eyes! xxx

    • Melina Elisa says:

      They've grown quite a bit in the past few weeks, so they're a lot better! I'm so glad you've been able to see family as well. Hope you're doing well 🙂 xx
