Costa Rica 2017 Pt. 1

Hello everyone! I'm back with a post that I'm super excited to write about. It's taken me a few weeks, but It's finally being written. As most of you know, a few weeks ago I went to Costa Rica. I spent 7 days there, and filled each and every one of those days with something fun to do. I hope you guys enjoy reading about my trip. Let's get into it.

Day 1

We woke up at 5 in the morning in order to head to the airport. Once in Newark International (EWR), we passed through security without any issues and waited to board our plane. It was a 5 hour plane ride, which passed extremely quickly going there, because all I did was sleep. When we arrived there it was 10:30 am (2 hour difference). My cousin picked me and my family up and we started our adventure straight there.



We drove for two hours until we arrived to La Fortuna. This is probably the most touristy town of the country that I stayed at while we were there. We checked into our hostel, The Arenal Hostel Resort. I have to say that this place was super cute. We had our own bedrooms with air conditioning. They had a pool and a bar area. They also had really cute hammocks and lights strung around the place.




Once we dropped our stuff in our room, we decided to go and check out the natural hot springs. The name of the place we went to was Los Lagos Hotel Spa & Resort. I've never done this before, and thought it was simply amazing. These pools of water are naturally heated by the volcano. The hottest pool in this place was 98 degrees Fahrenheit! As you walked down towards the bottom of the pools, the water became cooler. They had built in slides, bars, and colorful lights lighting up the pools. This place was amazing. I really recommend you check it out if you go to Costa Rica!


After enjoying the hot springs for a few hours, we went back to our rooms. We showered, which was terrible, cause there was no hot water, and went to the bar area. I was happy because they had the boxing match between Mayweather and McGregor! I have to say that if you didn't watch the fight, you didn't miss out on much. The fight was practically a joke. I ended my night after that, falling asleep super quickly cause of the long day and the few Imperial beers I had.

Day 2

We checked out of the hostel, and we had breakfast at the buffet area that the hostel has around the corner. They had some traditional Costa Rican Breakfast food. It was honestly delicious and for about $7, I'm not complaining at all! After this we drove out of La Fortuna, and drove to our next activity. I was super excited for this! This was another thing I have never done before. Zip lining!

I was super nervous that I wasn't going to like this activity. Not because I was scared, but because of the South Park episode about Zip Lining! They made fun of it and said that it was super boring, so I was nervous it actually was going to be like that, aha. I was totally wrong. It was amazing. We were in this rain forest and I just got an amazing view while I was zipping down the lines.


Unfortunately, because of the weather, we weren't able to do all of the lines. There was thunder and lightning. For our own safety, we couldn't do the last two lines. It was okay though, I was super hungry and only had one thing on my mind! I was disappointed once more by the mediocre food they gave us after the zip lining.

After lunch, we were driving to my cousin's in-laws. We got caught up in so much traffic, it was terrible. A trip that was supposed to take about 2 hours, took at least 3 and a half. We finally made it to the in-laws house, and were welcomed with loads of food. They even made homemade bread! I don't know if you guys knows this, but I have an obsession with bread. The bread was so delicious. I found my other love that night. My love for Costa Rican coffee. It was so delicious. It had the perfect blend of being strong, with a good taste. I absolutely loved it. We socialized for a bit, before we made our way to my cousin and his wife's house. We stayed up for a bit, before we fell asleep.


Day 3

We woke up so earlyyy. I want to say around 5:30 in the morning. It was so terrible. When I'm on vacation, the last thing I want to do is wake up at this ghastly hour. Once we woke up, we had a little bit of breakfast and drove to the capital, San Jose. Once there we took a tourist bus that was going to take us to our next activity, white water rafting! I've been wanting to do this for years in Delaware, so I was super excited that we were going to do it there! The bus ride definitely took a while. Once we got to the river, we put on our life vests and helmets. They then taught us how to paddle correctly and like a team. This activity was so much fun. We got to see so much nature. It was honestly beautiful. Plus, it was refreshing. There were moments that we chose to get out of the boat in order to cool down with the river's water.


By the end of white water rafting, they fed us. This food was actually super delicious. Probably one of the best meals while I was there. On our way back, we got stuck in traffic (seems like a reoccurring theme on my trip, right?). It took us hours to get back home. The traffic was barely moving. Once we got to San Jose, we stopped to get ice cream til the traffic started moving again.





We eventually got back to my cousin's house. I was so exhausted that all I did was take a shower, and lay down before I fell asleep.


I hope you guys enjoyed reading about the first half of my trip! I'll have the next one up next week! Have a wonderful day/night. Sending you all love and positive vibes!

-Melina xxx



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  • Life With Han says:

    Looks like you had such a lovely trip, I've always wanted to visit Costa Rica, your pictures look fab! x

    Han |

    • ivefoundwaldo says:

      If you really like outdoorsy type of activities, costa rica is definitely the place to be! I had such an amazing time, and recommend it to anyone who loves and appreciates nature! Thanks for reading and commenting love. Happy New Years xxx

  • Postivfworld says:

    Wow! Awesome pictures, it looks unbelievable!

  • Anonymous says:

    I love your pictures, nice vacation

  • Britney says:

    What a cool trip! I would love to visit Costa Rica.

  • Always Cleia says:

    I always thought that hostels were sketchy but it seems my assumption was totally wrong, it looks like a really great resort! Those hot springs look amaaaazing, I would never want to come home! I've never really been zip lining or white water rafting but it looks like a lot of fun!

    • ivefoundwaldo says:

      I would definitely give hostels a try! They're not all the same. You can look on and you can check off what you need in a room! Everything I did there was so much fun. Thanks so much for reading! xx

      • Always Cleia says:

        We're staying in hostels next month in Peru, I'll try the website out to see what our rooms will be like! Looking forward to reading Costa Rica part 2!

  • lauzieslifestyle says:

    Costa Rica is high up on my list of places that I would love to visit. I found this really interesting and the photos are all stunning. A part from the traffic, your trip seems perfect. Zip-lining is another thing I would love to do even though I am somewhat afraid of heights! xxx

    • ivefoundwaldo says:

      It will probably be difficult to get off of the stand to actually zip line down, but once you do, i'm sure your fear will go away. Costa Rica is definitely a go-to destination xxx

  • Panty Buns says:

    Your 7 day adventure in Costa Rica sounds and looks like it was awesome! Pools heated by a volcano? Zip-lines and whitewater? Home-made bread and Costa Rican coffee? It looks beautiful! I love the photos!

    • ivefoundwaldo says:

      It was an amazing trip! Stay tuned for pt 2 of the trip! Thank you for reading xxx
