5 posts i've been loving | #14

Hey guys, I'm back again, sharing some of my favorite posts. These posts have just spoken to me in some way or another. If you're ever looking for something new to read, I definitely recommend you check out this post or look at the rest of the ones I've made in this series!

So let's get right into it!

friendships vs. cliques in the blogging world by abbey louise rose

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I remember when Abbey created the poll on twitter asking people if they thought blogging was clique-y. I was a little bit surprised when the majority of people said yes. I have always felt pretty included by most bloggers.

Maybe I'm one of the lucky ones, but I've messaged people with loads of followers about something, and have never been ignored. I have never felt like people didn't want to talk to me because I wasn't part of their "clique".

While I'm friends with a lot of people in the blogging community, I wouldn't ever say that I was part of a clique? It might be because of the fact that I talk to anyone that I want to. Or the fact that I'm closest with those that started blogging around the same time I did? I'm entirely not sure.

If you continue on to read her post, you would see that while a lot of people say that there are blogging cliques, they couldn't give an exact example of why they felt that way!

I seriously recommend this post, especially if you're a blogging! Click here to give it a read.

why i'm not a beauty blogger anymore by but first, coffee

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While I'm not strictly a beauty blogger, I found this so interesting, because even though she was blogging for a long period of time, she realized she didn't love it as much anymore and decided to switch her niche.

It shows that it's never too late to change what you want to write about!

If you want to read more about her journey from having a beauty blog to a more of a lifestyle based blog, click here to give it a read!

what i learned about friendship after not speaking to my best friend for a year by the little plum

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As always Chloe sucks me in with her words. She has such a way with words, and I absolutely love it.

This topic in particular was one that I really related to. I actually stopped speaking to my best friend for about 2 1/2 years. The way that Chloe describes as the reason why the friendship ended in the first place, is something that I can really relate to, because I think our friendship ended for the same reason.

Okay, our friendships didn't end exactly the same way, but the same feelings were involved. The same exact mindset.

Just like Chloe and her best friend, I am pleased to announce that the friendship I had with my best friend is actually better and stronger than it ever was. I definitely recommend you give this a read!

a letter to the person who nearly destroyed my life by rosie loves life


Open ended letters like this are so beautiful to read. Mainly because they're so raw and honest. I really felt for Rosie in this post, and I just thought it was so well written. This was the type of post, that you couldn't read fast enough. You just had to know what happens next.

While I completely feel for Rosie and what she went through, I think she is so brave for writing a post like this. I don't want to give away too much, but I suggest you check this post out! Click here to give it a read.

the beauty of online friendships by beth sandland


This is such a great topic. I have made so many friends online. True friends. People who know so much about  my life. Girls that I talk to on almost a daily basis.

It's something so funny, because a lot of people don't understand what it's like to have true friendships that have been made online. It's a little weird if you think about it too much. I have these people that I have so much love for that I have never even met in person. It's kind of crazy.

But it's the truth, I love and care for them. If you have similar feelings as I do, I suggest you give this post a read! You can check it out here.

if you missed out on the other posts of the series you can catch up here:

3 posts i’ve been lovin’ recently | episode 13

3 posts i’ve been lovin’ recently | episode 12

5 posts i’m lovin’ right now. | episode 11

5 Posts I’m Lovin’ Right Now. | Episode 10

3 Posts I’m Lovin’ Right Now. | Episode 9

What posts have you been loving recently? Have you heard of any of these amazing bloggers before? If so, what are some of your favorite posts by them? If not, you should definitely check all three of them out! As always, thank you for reading. It means more than you know. I hope you have a wonderful day/night. Sending you love, strength, and positivity.

-melina xxx

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  • alwayscleia says:

    Such an interesting collection of posts as always! I've never really thought that the blogging world was super cliquey, but I also have friendships mostly with people that I started blogging with, or that are in the same follower range. So maybe it sort of is, but I have never felt excluded from other blogger groups or actively tried to discourage people from mine.
    It's so interesting that 70% said they thought there were cliques though!

    • Melina Elisa says:

      I feel the same way! The people I met when I first started blogging are the same people that I find myself closest to. I feel like other people that I talk to occasionally as always nice to me, and I never feel left out!
      Thanks so much for reading and commenting Cleia xx

  • Marie says:

    Thank you so much for sharing these, Melina, definitely giving the one about friendships and online friendships a read! I've made so many amazing friends online <3

    • Melina Elisa says:

      Thanks so much for reading my post and checking out some of the posts I've mentioned! I hope you like reading them 🙂

  • Dorota says:

    I definitely have to check all of these, especially the one you described as particularily well written. I'm not a native English speaker, but I hope I'll be able to appreciate these posts in the same way as you did. Thank you for your suggestions.

    • Melina Elisa says:

      I hope you enjoy reading all of them! Thank you so much for reading and commenting 🙂 xx

  • Soph says:

    This is such a great roundup- I love Beths blog but haven't actually read any of these posts yet. I'm definitely off to read some of these, especially the friendship one!
    Soph - https://sophhearts.com x

    • Melina Elisa says:

      I'm so glad to hear that you haven't read any of these ever! I'm constantly reading new blog posts and love sharing them with others. I hope you enjoy them all! Thanks for reading and commenting Soph xx

  • Natalya Amour says:

    Definitely going to be checking these out, thanks for the recommendations.

    Candice x


    • Melina Elisa says:

      I hope you enjoy them! Thanks for taking the time to read my post and commenting Natalya xx
