Turned 24.

When I was younger, I had my whole life planned out. I was an over-thinker, even at a young age. I knew when I wanted to graduate college, when I wanted to get married, and when I even wanted to have kids. It was such a naive thought, but hey what did I know. Yesterday, I turned 24, and my life is NOWHERE near what I thought it was going to be.

I thought I was going to finish college in 4 years, and while I did finish college with the bachelor's degree, it took me 5 years, and I ended up double majoring and minoring. It's something I'm incredibly proud of, but something I would have never thought of doing at the age of 8 or 9. To be fair, I probably didn't even know what double majoring was.

I used to think that 27 was old, and that I should be married and have at least one child by then. Now, I look back at myself and wonder if I was crazy! I'm nowhere near close to having a baby. I'm having so much fun with my life and still am living through my selfish years. I am nowhere near ready to have a child and raise them to the best of my ability. While I know I still want to have children, I don't have a set age for that anymore.

In terms of occupation, I'm pretty sure I wanted to be a dentist. I know, I was an odd child. To be fair, they gave us these rings that reminded me of Sailor Moon, and I thought if I was a dentist I was going to be able to keep them all for myself. I was totally dreamin' big at 8.

Blogging wasn't even a thing, or was it? I have no idea, but I think younger me would still approve of me doing something in the creative field. Blogging has made me so happy, and makes me feel like I've found my calling. I've met so many amazing people, and have had so many opportunities because of it. Who knows what the future holds, but for now I love what I'm doing.

8-year-old Melina wanted to find her true love in college, date for a while, and get married by 24. Well, we all know that didn't happen. In reality, I have found myself a lot of toads along the way, and while I know what I don't want in my relationship, I also know that I'm closer to finding true happiness with someone. I'm am definitely not in any type of rush to jump at the first person who's interested in me.

I never envisioned myself traveling as much as I did, and I have been beyond blessed in life in terms of travel. I realized traveling is one of the things that makes me truly happy. It's something I wouldn't change for the world.

While my younger self didn't know about all the realities and hardships of life,those hardships have taught me something in the long run. Because of these hardships, I know my own self-worth.

I know I am a good friend, girlfriend, sister, grand-daughter, niece, and above all person. It's been 24 years in the making, but I have turned into a pretty awesome person. That may be the only thing my 8-year-old self was right about.


I'm pleased to announce that I'm spending my 24th birthday in Paris, France. I know I'm having a blast. Don't worry you'll get a travel post all about it soon. Happy birthday to me. I know I deserve it.

Thank you all for reading. I hope you have a wonderful day/night. Sending you all love, strength, and positivity.

-Melina xxx



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  • beckyrosecarver says:

    VERY late but better late than never... I hope you had an amazing birthday...

    This is a fantastic post and I loved reading it! No matter what, we can only plan so much in life because so many things happen that can change our direction every second but just as long as you're happy and that you are...

    I love the last chapter, it's so sweet and empowering...

    Becky - http://www.eyeful-events.com x x

    • Melina Elisa says:

      Thank you so much love! Yeah, birthdays make me feel a bit nostalgic, and make you look at life hoping that you've accomplished enough in your life span.
      I thought it was interesting to look back on it from the thoughts of my younger self!
      Thanks so much for reading and commenting 🙂 x

  • Marie says:

    AHHH I am a bit late, but a very happy belated birthday, Melina <3 <3 I love this post so much. Just like you, I am nowhere I expected to be when I was younger, but I guess... life surprises us in that way and... we do the best that we can and, our dream path might not be what we expect it to be, but I'm sure it is there 🙂
    I hope you had an incredible time in Paris! <3 <3

    • Melina Elisa says:

      I'm sorry it took so long to answer this comment! I don't know why it was in the spam section? Thank you so much! I completely agree, my life is nowhere new to the dream I had when I was younger, but I feel like I'm getting closer to my current dream every day! I had such a incredible time while I was in Paris, it was honestly such a dream! Thank you so much for the cute and thoughtful comment 🙂 xx

      • Marie says:

        Oh no need to worry! That tend to happen sometimes after I get on a commenting spree, WordPress starts to hate me 😂
        I'm so glad to hear you had such a fantastic time!! <3

  • The Style of Laura Jane says:

    I've gone through WordPress Reader, and hardly any of your posts have appeared, a part from today's one. I just assumed you were taking a break! So, I'm super sorry that this is so late now, but Happy Birthday!!! I completely relate to this post! I can't believe that I'm 26 in just under two months. It has gone so fast! And yeah, I am absolutely no where near where I imagined.
    As a kid, like you, I had it all figured out. I remember saying I would find someone at 21, get married at 23 and have kids at 24. So ridiculously naive! I don't know when I would be ready for kids. I think it just one of them things now, I might find someone soon and it happens quick, or it might be another 7 years or so. xxx

    • Melina Elisa says:

      That's so strange that my posts didn't show up on the reader, but it's okay! Thank you so much! It's so odd thinking I'm now 24! Times flies so quickly.
      Like you said, it's so strange how naive kids are! Who knows where life's going to take me, all I know is that I'm not complaining 🙂 xx

      • The Style of Laura Jane says:

        I'm pretty sure my Reader hasn't been right for a while, but admittedly I've been too lazy to try to figure it out. Because I follow a lot of people, and some days, it's like a handful of posts. Enjoy 24! It's nice to be closer to 20 than 30. xx

        • Melina Elisa says:

          lmfaooo, I don't like thinking about being closer to one decade than another, they make me a bit nervous to be honest! Just taking it day by day and month by month!

  • Em says:

    Happy belated birthday! I turned 22 in February and like you, I'm nowhere near where I thought I would be by this age but now I know there's plenty of time to do everything I want to do and there's no rush!

    • Melina Elisa says:

      Thank you so much! I think the same thing. The life you planned out when you're younger is not really a reality. Like you said, there's no rush! Thank you so much for reading and commenting 🙂 xx

  • Always Cleia says:

    Happy birthday!!! That's incredible that you'll be spending it in France, I hope you have a wonderful trip!
    I think our younger expectations of what our lives will be like are always unrealistic, but kids wouldn't be kids if they were always rational! The world is also vastly different for our generation as opposed to our parents when people married young and had most of their kids by 30.
    I did get married young but I am nowhere near the mindset of having kids of my own, I still have so many little dreams and goals that I want to achieve that I know I couldn't if I was responsible for a tiny human!

    • Melina Elisa says:

      I had a wonderful trip! It really opened my eyes, and really made me want to travel to even more new locations!
      You are so right, the ideal fantasies we had when we were younger are not even rational. Like you said, the world has changed so much since our parents age.
      and don't get me started on kids! I have no idea when I'm going to be ready for one of those, aha! Thanks for reading and your super thoughtful comment xxx

      • Always Cleia says:

        Glad to hear it was good! I don't even want to think about what the world will be like in 20 years 😆

  • deannasstilwell says:

    Happy Birthday!!!! Great post, I'm approaching 23 later this year and things are going better than I planned but not according to the plan as well. Looking forward to reading your post about Paris!!!

    • Melina Elisa says:

      Thanks so much love! This year is going beyond my expectations, and I swear it's only going to get better for the both of us. Thanks so much for reading and the birthday wishes 🙂 x

  • Sophie Samantha says:

    Happy Belated Birthday!! Hope you are having the best time in Paris!

  • nickyashleigh says:

    Happy happy birthday!! I hope you're having an AMAZING time in Paris as you do truly deserve every bit of happiness the world has to offer! Life definitely takes us to unexpected but brilliant places on paths we couldn't have imagined existed for us. I think even the tough times - when we embrace them and learn from them - can lead us to something better than what we'd originally planned. Sending you lots of love and I can't wait to see the travel post/pics! xx

    • Melina Elisa says:

      Omg, thank you so so much. Your comment made my heart melt! I think you're so right, I have gone through struggles, I wouldn't have ever imagined, but it has also led me to paths, I could never envision. I'm so pleased with how my life's been going, and while it's not what I had planned when I was younger, I am super happy with where I am. I will definitely have a Paris post up soon 🙂 ! xx

  • emilyryann says:

    Happy birthday, beautiful!💗🎉 — https://emilyryannblogblog.wordpress.com/

  • Lena Dee says:

    😮 OMGGG!! Happy Frickin' Birthday gal!! lol I left you a voicenote so hopefully you hear it soon. I love this post! Mini me was always quite the overthinker too and it's amazing how we always try to envision the future
    at a young age just to learn it'll never span out like that. Life's full of so many beautiful things along the way, it's no wonder we can always take a different path than we dream. You're doing great hun and cheers to many more years ahead!! 😀 <3

    xx Lena | https://lenadeexo.com

    • Melina Elisa says:

      Thank you so much! I haven't gotten around to answering any messages, but am doing it now!
      Like I said in my post, I never envisioned my life going the way it has, but I have to say I am quite proud of how far I've come 🙂 Thank you so much beautiful, it means the world to me! xxx
