What's worse than writer's block?

I've been having an issue the last few weeks. It's a little bit odd, and I don't know if any of you guys have this issue. Most of the time, when I get an idea, I'm so excited to get to my computer and start writing.


Recently, I would have an idea, and for whatever reason, I wouldn't have the motivation to write the thought out. I don't entirely know why, but I find it completely frustrating. Should I trudge on, and force myself to write on the topic, with the chance of it not coming out the way I envisioned it?

Or, do I wait it out until I feel the same passion I do for other topics. I've been choosing the latter recently.

It's an issue, because of weeks like last week, when I could have forced myself to write on a the million topics I want to talk about, I ended up writing no post at all.


I feel guilty.

I have probably missed 3 posts since I started a year and a half ago. Most people take vacations on their regular jobs, right? So why do I feel so wrong about skipping a week.

Maybe it's because I already had ideas written up? Maybe because it makes me feel lazy? It's probably a mix of both.

Marie actually wrote a post about ways to find new inspiration. Her tips have helped me tremendously, and have actually gotten me out of my funk. The best advice I would give to anyone who has writer's block is to read. No, I'm not saying to copy someone, but you can totally get inspiration from reading other talented writers.


Have you guys ever had that unmotivated writer's block? How do you overcome it? Let me know in the comments below! As always, have a wonderful day/night. Sending you love, strength, and positivity.

-Melina xx

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  • Always Cleia says:

    I don't often get writers block on my blog, but I do get it for the book I've been working on. I finally figured out that I just need to write, or switch character perspectives for a change even when I don't know where to go next. Later I can edit out what I don't like, but I never get anything done if I don't press forward!

    For my blog I've been taking a step back, It's so true that we allow time off from our real jobs but not always from blogs and I think bloggers need that time away from writing posts to refresh and come back with new ideas. So try not to feel too guilty, you deserve a break too!

    • Melina Elisa says:

      I usually try to trudge on and see if i'll come up with something where I'm happy with the writing. Recently, I feel like I can't find it.
      Now that I've come back from vacation, I hope I can get past this reduced motivation to write! Maybe if it continues I'll have to take that step back, like you said! Thanks for the advice, and for telling me about your experiences 🙂 x

      • Always Cleia says:

        Anytime! I hope you can work through it, I'm here if you need to talk 🙂

  • Jasmin says:

    I’ve gone through the same! Though, I haven’t felt guilty of it to be fair, but the idea hits and the motivation for actually writing it is lost 😀 it’s annoying, isn’t it?

    • Melina Elisa says:

      It's the worst! I feel the guilt stems from feeling like I don't deserve a break. Like another commenter said, we shouldn't feel guilty. If it was a real job, we wouldn't feel guilty for taking a necessary break! Thanks for reading and commenting Jasmin xx
