Things I Wished I Knew About Blogging Before I Started!

Hello everyone! I hope you're doing well. Today I was thinking about things I wish I had known about blogging before i started. I thought that if I just started writing, I would just know everything, but boy was I wrong. There is so much that goes into blogging, that if I had just known these few things, my transition would go that much smoother.

Twitter Chats

When I starting blogging, I had never used Twitter beforehand. Sure, my friends all wanted me to join, so I would create one, use it for about a week or two and then quit. I probably have about 2 other profiles swimming around Twitter as we speak. I don't honestly even remember what made me decide to get another twitter. I think I must have read a blog post recommending I get one? I honestly don't know. Well I did, and boy am I glad I created one. So much of the blogging community communicate on there! One thing that I had no Idea happened was twitter chats! There are actually special chats that happen throughout the week. It's such a fun and easy way to get to know people from the blogging or YouTube community. They are a little hard to keep up with since everyone's so busy, but if you ever want to meet cool like minded people, definitely start there. Actually, Jordan, came up with a helpful chart that shows all of the bloggers chats and what time they start! Remember that these are in BST time! d

Scheduling Tweets

bufferThis is something that has actually changed my life. There are some days that I don't have the time to actually promote my blog posts on twitter. This is when I have to learn about Buffer and Crowd Fire! These websites are so amazing! They each come with a free option and some premium options. I usually use Buffer for the actual scheduling my posts. The free package allows you to schedule 10 posts at a time. I am going to actually invest in the Awesome package while I go on Vacation! This will allow me to post up to 100 posts at a time, which is perfect for my week long trip to Costa Rica next week.


This is probably the most important one, and still the one I work the hardest on every single day. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is basically a way to lead search engines to your blog. The better you are at SEO, the more likely your blog will be found. For this I have two recommendations. I use the plugin Yoast SEO, for my blog. It rates how well each post is in two categories, SEO and Readability. I don't usually use it the moment I write the post. I usually go back and do a few at a time at the end of the month.

NJ SEO's family picture! 

The other suggestion I have is to go to an SEO professional. In my state (New Jersey), one of the best SEO companies is NJ SEO*. They are a family owned business that take the time to turn your readers in customers and will help you get on the front page of Google! It's kind of cool if you don't have the time to try to learn SEO. Even I, a person who's been blogging for about a year can tell you that SEO is not easy and if I could hire a person who already knows it all, I totally would! Definitely check them out (SEO NJ)!

Blogging takes LOADS of work/time.6174668656_img_0656

If you read my past blog posts (here and here), you would know that I started blogging because I had a passion. I thought I would write a few words, and take some mediocre pictures, and I would be done! I mean you can see by my earlier posts, that that is what I thought. I'm here to tell you now, that I mean it could be that easy, but if you want to continue improving your blog. It is going to take a lot of time. I spend every single day doing something for my blog, whether it's taking pictures, checking on my social media and emails, brainstorming new posts, or even just reading other people's posts. I'm always trying to improve my blog, and that is always going to take time. You're never done learning when it comes to blogging.

The wonders of Canva and stock photosPicture1.png

This is something I deff wish I knew once I started! When I started out, I had so much trouble trying to create pretty featured images for my posts! I was using Pic Monkey, which was a good way to start, but not the ideal. I was on a twitter chat when someone recommended using Canva! This immediately changed the way that I design my covers. They have different sizes for frequently used covers. You can create YouTube thumbnails, covers for your social Medias, literally anything. Another thing that really helped me was stock photos. If you guys don't know, there are pictures that you can legally use for free. These pictures are called stock  photos. I don't know if you knew this or not, but you can't just go on google images and take any image you find. That's called stealing. You might not think so, and it's okay if you don't, cause I'm here to tell you that there are websites you can use to get images. I typically use Pixabay and PicJumbo. They have a large variety of images, so I hope this helps you guys!

I hope this helps any of you new bloggers out there, because if I found a post like this when I started, things would be so much better for me. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to either send me a private message or leave a comment down below. I promise to get back to each and every one of you. Have a wonderful day. Sending you all love and positive vibes!

-Melina xxx

**Note that there is sponsored content on here. Everything mentioned on this post is written by myself. Everything stated is my own honest opinion.**

**Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, I will earn a small commission if you click through and make a purchase. If you feel uncomfortable with this, simply search for the item yourself.**

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  • beautylifemom says:

    All important things to know about! I do them all and it's been so helpful to me as a blogger-twitter chats are so fun though I don't do them as much as I'd like these days! I love canva as well. Game changer. I finally got around to doing the Mystery Blogger award and answer your questions!! Thanks for the tag!

    • ivefoundwaldo says:

      I can't wait to read what you wrote in the mystery blogger tag:) You're very welcome! You deserve it! Thanks for reading this post love xxx

  • Everydaylifegirl says:

    Twitter is amazing the support on there 🙂 Helpful blog post! Well done.

    • ivefoundwaldo says:

      Thank so much! I hope I could help you in some way:) thanks for reading xxx

  • Panty Buns says:

    Your list of #TwitterChats is GREAT!!!!!!!!!! I used to participate in them more but lost track because I haven't done a new Fbloggers blog post in almost a year and so had one less thing to chat about. This post is a great reference!!!

    I do all my Tweeting by hand - and spend WAY too much time Tweeting, reading Tweets and Liking them (as of right now: 41,796 Tweets and 14,342 Likes).

    SEO I still haven't learned about other than reading a few Google help articles and using "labels" (tags) with Blogger and YouTube and Hashtags on Twitter. Thanks for the tip!

    Agreed on the work/time. I love reading posts and don't mind taking the time to compose comments (except for when they get deleted and the effort and thoughtfulness were wasted). I have yet to put in the work and time to take improve my photos and videos.

    I don't use stock photos, BUT -
    I did release my own selfies and selfie videos into the public domain (CC0 1.0 Universal) so they are free for anyone else to post and reuse (I just don't know where they are posted).

    You have really learned a lot!!!!! I love these helpful tips and especially love that Twitter Chat list!!!

    • ivefoundwaldo says:

      Thank you for commenting, and I hope this helps you in some way! I found that list on twitter and it was written by Jordan! Eventually I think I'm going to make my own twitter list in EST! Thank you so much for taking the time to read and comment 🙂 xx

  • Always Cleia says:

    Oh my gosh. You just opened a whole new world to me with Canva! I'm playing around with it right now, I was always wondering how bloggers got such beautiful banner designs!! Thank you for including this! =D

    • ivefoundwaldo says:

      I'm so glad this post could help you out! Thanks for reading Cleia xxx

  • Florence and Constance says:

    Great post- this is really useful! I've been blogging for quite a few months now but haven't go twitter yet. xx

    • ivefoundwaldo says:

      Omg you have to! Twitter is where i've made my closest friends and learned so much about blogging! Thanks for reading xxx

  • luxblush says:

    I love this! It's crazy how useful Twitter is for bloggers, as that's definitely the site where everybody talks the most! I really need to start getting better at SEO xx

    Hannah | luxuryblush

    • ivefoundwaldo says:

      Some of my closest blogging friends I've met through twitter! Thanks for reading Hannah 🙂 xx

  • lauzieslifestyle says:

    What an amazing and informative post!!
    SEO is so important and I joined blogging with no idea of what it even was. The same with stock photos. I recently went on to Pixabay and found images for my Audrey Hepburn article.
    I have never done a twitter chat but it is definitely something that I am interested in. xxx

    • ivefoundwaldo says:

      Thanks Lauzie! I hope that this post could help you improve on your blogging! I love finding posts that help me up my blogging game. Thanks for reading love xxx
