showing gratitude | january 2020

I usually don't say this, but January seemed to last foreverrr. While I had a few amazingly major things that happened last month, I have to say that January was pretty uneventful. I've been really working on my mental health, which involved meditation, exercising, reading, playing videogames (currently Stardew Valley), and watching tv shows (currently Dexter & Haikyu!). I ended up spending a lot of time at home! But let's get right into it.

Girls Night


My month started amazingly with a Girls night. I went out with my aunt, my sister and my mom. We started our night off with going to this delicious Korean Restaurant. If you guys didn't know Koreans have the best chicken wings, and these were no exception!

Afterwards we hit up a local bar, and had a few drinks and chatted for a few hours. Not only was the bar a great hangout spot, which I'll go back to, but I had a great time with my fam.

SuperReal & Accidental Burlesque Show

IMG_4971 (2020-01-16T03_39_16.250)

That same weekend I went out with my best friend. It was a complete surprise so I had no idea what to expect from the day, but it was honestly amazing! She took me to the city, aka NYC, and we went to this indoor lights show called SuperReal! It was in this beautiful building, that kind of looked like a church from the inside. It was such a cool experience, and definitely recommend it if they still have the installation up!

Then we went to this Mexican restaurant right around the corner, and had some delicious tacos & margaritas. Just as we were finishing up our meal, we found out that the restaurant was going to have a Burlesque show! I posted all about it on my Insta (@heyyitsmelina). I had such a great time, and am so grateful for her!

Bachelor Premiere


As always, the Bachelor season premiered! I gotta say that I wasn't a huge fan of Peter, this season's bachelor. I really wanted some of the other contestants from last season to become the bachelor, but I have to say that I was pleasantly surprised by this season. There is so much drama, it's bordering on messy. Definitely not a dull moment this season! As always, shows like this one make me look forward to something on Mondays.

Ordered a new Cycling Bike

After going to a gym for about two years, I decided to quit the gym and get myself a cycling bike. It's the workout I do most often, and felt like a one time purchase would be better than a high monthly payment.

I have to say that I'm obsessed! Not only am I making great use of my bike & the Peloton app, but so are some other members of my family!



This might be one of the most exciting things that happened this month. For Christmas, my parents got me and my sister some tickets to see Hamilton on Broadway. All I have to say is...WOW. After listening to the soundtrack for over 3 years, watching it in person is so...amazing. The actors did an amazing job, and I loved every second of it! I'm already counting the days til I purchase another ticket to go and see it.

The Who Concert


The final thing that happened right at the end of the month is I got accepted to a Yelp event where a cover band played songs from The Who. I have to say that I only knew about 2 songs, but I still had a great time. There's just something about live music!

While I said January seemed to last an eternity, and I was more than happy for January to end, I guess until writing this post, I didn't realize all the great things that happened this past month! What happened to you guys in January? I hope February is even better! Sending you love, strength, and happiness.

-Melina xx

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  • K.M. Sutton says:

    I agree January did seem to last forever ad yet now February is FLYING by! It is crazy! I agree with you about the Bachelor and Hamilton is a fantastic show! Have you seen Hadestown or Moulin Rouge? I HIGHLY recommend those shows as well! They are incredible! That is so cool about going to a WHO cover band concert! I hope February is going better for you sweets! <3

    • Melina Elisa says:

      I haven't seen either of those, but I'm going to have a look into their tickets if you recommend them 🙂 Thanks for reading, and I hope you have an amazing February as well 🙂 x

  • Marie says:

    Ahh wow, despite January being quite long for you, it seems like it was eventful and so, so great, that's fantastic, Melina! I'm so happy you got to see Hamilton and The Who, that's so exciting!! 🙂
    I hope you're having a beautiful February, take care of yourself! xxx

    • Melina Elisa says:

      hamilton was definitely the highlight of the month! I hope you're having a great february as well! Thanks so much for reading and commenting 🙂 Take care of yourself as well xxx

  • alwayscleia says:

    I love that you're playing Stardew Valley! I still play that one from time to time, it's very relaxing. Another game I'm playing right now that's similar is called My Time At Portia. You basically go to this little town and get a crafting workshop where you build things for the people in the town. You can make friends just like Stardew valley and there are little monthly town events. You can go mining, fishing, to the restaurants etc but it's more open world than Stardew. I'm loving it! Plus you get a Jetpack in the mines which is SO fun!

    January really dragged on for me too. I think I saw friends/family once at the end of the month because I was sick for literally 3 weeks straight. It was awful.. I'm so happy it's February.

    That broadway show must have been amazing!!!

    • Melina Elisa says:

      I LOVE stardew valley! I am currently sharing a farm with my younger brother, and we've been having so fun working together and growing our farm up!
      I ended up getting my time at portia because of you! It has a lot more you can do and a lot more steps, but it still has that kind of feel. It's so fun! Thanks so much for the recommendation!
      I'm glad you're feeling better now 🙂 hope you've been having a great february so far

      • alwayscleia says:

        Aww that's so nice! My brother & I have been meaning to try the co-op mode together, we need to get on that one of these days. Is this the brother who lives in a different city?

        Oh wow! I'm glad you like it! I've almost finished building that bridge the town wants, but I keep getting side tracked in the mines 🤣 the jetpack is awesome!

        • Melina Elisa says:

          No, this is my younger brother who I still live with! He's 17 and the one I typically play video games if we're both not doing anything 🙂
          I've only gotten the chance to play once, but I'm still getting used to figuring out what i can do in the game, but it's so fun! I'm so happy you recommended it to me 🙂

          • alwayscleia says:

            That's so nice! I wish my 18 year old little brother didn't think he was too cool to play video games with me 😂 Maybe when he's a little older..

            I'm glad you're liking it! I need to find more time to play x

  • Kate Loves Travel says:

    I always find January a drag... it just seems to go on forever!! My January was fairly uneventful so I'm really glad it's over, lol!
    Kate xx |

    • Melina Elisa says:

      I'm sorry to hear that your January was uneventful! I really hope February goes better for the both of us! Thanks for reading and commenting Kate 🙂 x
