Why are beach resorts so popular?

man rowing a boat on sea at daytime

[contributed post] When it comes to choosing the best vacation destination, why do so many people decide that the beach is the best place to go? Perhaps it’s obvious if you’re already a beach-lover, but if you’ve never stayed in a beach resort before and you’re wondering what all the fuss is about, keep reading, as you might find out...

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Fridaze 059

Happy Friday and happy Fridaze! I skipped one week accidentally (which I'm sure most of you didn't notice), but I'm back again to chat about how my life's been going. Grab a cup of coffee, tea, or hot chocolate let's talk about life for the last time this September. J goes on the longest travel trip J travels for work...

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When you're no longer interested.

Why is it that the moment you move on, and are no longer interested in someone, they decide they want to reach out again? It's like they have a 6th sense. The power to know when someone is not longer interested in them. That's the moment they want to reach out. It's odd. It's happened more times than I can...

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Fridaze 058

I know I'm posting this much later than usual, but I honestly forget it was Friday? This week has been really busy at work, and when I got home I was working out or had no motivation for anything else other than reading and watching TV. But I got home today, and realized that I haven't written my Fridaze yet,...

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Roadtripping Across America: Everything To Consider

[contributed post] Are you planning a road trip across North America? If so, then there are a few things that you should consider. Here are the key examples we recommend you think about.  Pexels CCO License Accommodation  One of the main things you should consider when you are planning a roadtrip across America is where you will be staying. You...

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Rose Skin Co Lumi IPL Hair Removal: initial thoughts

rose skin co lumi ipl white pink melina elisa blog review

So I recently bought the Rose Skin Co Lumi IPL Hair removal tool. I've been someone who's used many different types of hair removal over the years. Waxing, shaving, hair removal creams, and I've actually even used another IPL machine before! Let's chat a bit about IPL and my experience with the Rose Skin Co Lumi IPL hair removal tool....

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Fridaze 057

Hello all, and happy Friday. I’m a little behind schedule today. It’s been a really busy few days for me, so I’m currently typing this up during my work lunch break. But tell me? How are you all? Even though we had a short work-week because of Labor Day, this week has felt extremely long. Let’s chat a bit about...

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Fridaze 056

Happy Friday, and happy Fridaze. Also happy first day of September! Can't believe we're almost officially in the fall season. While I'm sad to say goodbye to Summer, I'm also really excited for all the fall activities (and drinks...cough cough PSL). As Summer winds down a bit, things tend to slow down for me. And honestly, I'm not complaining! As...

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The Anatomy Of The Perfect Friday Night

Unsplash - CC0 License [contributed post] What does the perfect Friday night look like to you? It’s a question that’s been knocking around the old noggin recently. Fridays are actually the start of the weekend. When the clock strikes five, work is over and you suddenly have a feeling of space and freedom. Finally, what you do with your time...

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friend breakups...but nothing happened?

two smiling women sitting on wooden bench

I've had some thoughts about something I've been going through recently. Well, maybe it hasn't been so recently? I've been feeling this way for about a year now. Across my life, I've had a lot of breakups. Both friend breakups and relationship breakups. And honestly? They suck regardless. And while they both suck, everyone always talks about the difficulty of...

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