i changed my blog's theme!

If you have been following from the beginning, you would know that I have changed my theme about three times since first starting this blog. The first time I changed it was almost immediately after starting the blog, so for those of you that have stuck around since the beginning, you would know that it was alright, but I based it off my tumblr theme!

Then about 6 months later, I changed it again, to something a little more polished.

When I changed my blog name to melinaelisa.com, I changed my blog the final time. My theme was clean, pink, and I was obsessed. It took me so long to get it right. Mainly because it was a free, that I really had to tweak it a bit.



I then changed the colors from pink to green, which was a refreshing change. You would have thought that my favorite color is pink, by the fact that I had everything pink when I first cleaned my blog up. In actuality my favorite color has been green for years now, and so when I changed it to green, it just felt much more...me?

Along the way, I did change my header a few times as well, which also spruced the look up a bit.

I finally took the plunge last week, and purchased my first blog theme! It's very different from my last theme, but it's still minimal and clean. I'm honestly obsessed. I have also changed the fonts around, to make it even more different. I really enjoy how it looks, and in the next coming weeks I'm going to continue to change it up and tweak anything I don't love.



How do you like the new look? Let me know!

As always, sending you love, strength and positivity.

-Melina xx

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  • Marie says:

    I love love love this new look so much, the colors, the fonts, it looks amazing <3

    • Melina Elisa says:

      Thank you so much! I'm obsessed too! Not only do I think it feels so much more me, but it's given me some renewed excitement for my blog! Thanks so much for commenting and reading 🙂 xxx

  • K.M. Sutton says:

    I LOVE the new look! Changing the blog theme always reinvigorates and gives me inspiration! I hope it does the same sweets! It looks amazing! <3

    • Melina Elisa says:

      Omg thank you so much! I spent what feels like forever deciding what theme i was going to get, but i’m so happy with my decision! I do feel so renewed and motivated! I have so many posts pre-written, which rarely happens amymore! Thanks so much for reading and commenting love xxx
