dear diary 009

Welp, it's Valentine's day. I have to say, getting closer to Valentine's day sucked this year. As I've mentioned in past posts (here), I'm honestly pretty indifferent to Valentine's day as a whole. It's never been a holiday I was particular excited for. This year, being the first year in a while that I'm single for Valentine's day, it's almost seems like a blatant reminder of how single I actually am?

My friend mentioned about a month ago, how she's really dreading Valentine's day, because she has spent the last 6 years in some type of relationship. When she brought that up, it didn't really get to me yet. It was still to far away, and I haven't even started thinking about Valentine's day.

I was talking to this guy that had potential to be...more, and at the time I thought he could be my Valentine's date this year. It hadn't worked the way I envisioned it, and while I was a disappointed about it not working out, not having a Valentine's date didn't even cross my mind.

Now that the day is actually here, I realize. While everyone else is with their significant others, especially with it landing on a Friday this year, I'm as single as they come. While I don't hate being single, this is that one holiday that succeeds in making me feel extremely lonely.

I know I'm not the only single person on the planet, but I'm still hit with pangs of sadness over not having that special connection with someone.


It's the holiday that makes you remember how great it was to always have...someone. Someone to text, call, and video chat. Someone to run stupid errands with. Someone to lay on the couch all day with and binge your favorite TV show. Someone you could kiss endlessly for hours. A partner in crime. And right now? I don't have that someone.

and it sucks.

Valentine's day definitely has a way of making you feel like you're the only single person in a sea of couples.

When I was younger, I never felt bad about being single on Valentine's day. I think it started to bother me after I knew what it was like to love and feel loved. It all goes back to, "you can't miss what you never had".

It's easy to be young and read romance novels and crave for the love that's written about in those books, but it's a whole other thing to have had your own love stories. Even if it doesn't last forever like the fairy tales tell you they're supposed to, you still enjoy it while it lasts.

It's easy to look at past relationships and only remember the good, especially when you miss being in a relationship. Trust me, I definitely do not want to go back to any of my past relationships. I know I'm better off being single, than in any of my past relationships. Even though I know that's the truth of the matter, it doesn't stop me from feeling the sadness that I do.

While Valentine's day is only one day in the year, this feeling will linger for a bit longer than that.

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  • Marie says:

    I hope that Valentine's Day ended up being a good day for you overall, still. I get that feeling every year, I've never been a big Valentine's Day fan and, being in a long distance relationship, I rarely spent Valentine's Day with my partner these last few years so it's even more frustrating ahah, but well. It's just one day in the year and I'm always taking this occasion to celebrate just, love, with my loved ones, partner or not 🙂 x

    • Melina Elisa says:

      I actually had a really good time going to this single's mixer with my best friend. I sang and danced the night away with her. Didn't find anyone, but to be honest I wasn't looking.
      I'm sorry you couldn't be with your partner this year! I hope you still had fun doing something else 🙂 I hope you and your partner see each other soon! xxx

      • Marie says:

        I'm so happy you ended up having a great time, yay!! <3 <3 and thank you so much <3

  • Panty Buns says:

    There's nothing wrong with being single!
    It is much better than being together with person who is wrong for you -
    but all my best wishes for finding the right Tweep(s) to make you happy on future Valentine's Days!
    I am single as well, and spent Valentine's Day alone for the most part. And my internet was out. Now my internet is back and I can enjoy watching NetFlix and your YouTube videos. 😀
    If I had gotten it together in time maybe I COULD have finally taken a few new outfit selfies and videos to upload and post...
    but I haven't gotten it together enough to do that in a couple of years.
    Instead I wound up playing some DVDs and eating by myself. ;/
    Here's wishing your future Valentine's Days will bring you much love, fun and happiness!

    • Melina Elisa says:

      You're so right. I'm definitely happier to be single than in any of those past relationships that were not ideal for me. To be honest, I'm probably single because I'm kinda picky. People have shown interest, but I don't want to date any person!
      I'm definitely putting my search on halt and concentrating on myself!
      Thank you so much for the kind words and thoughtful comment. I really do hope that things start looking up for you as well, and that your future valentine's days are much better 🙂 x

  • Leslie says:

    Awww, I hope you did something super fun or had something fancy to eat. I'm married and we don't celebrate Valentine's day bc it just seems like another hallmark holiday! I totally understand how it feels to be single on the day though. Maybe next year will be better!

    • Melina Elisa says:

      I ended up having a lot of fun going out with my best friend! It definitely is a hallmark holiday, and I don't really do much when I'm actually dating someone, which is funny, because this year I missed "celebrating" it! Thanks for reading and commenting 🙂 x

      • Leslie says:

        Oh, good! So glad that you had fun!! 🙂

  • makeupmuddle says:

    I really hope you had a lovely day, I'm in a couple but I just had a nice self care day instead and it was fab! xo

    Makeup Muddle

    • Melina Elisa says:

      I ended up having a really good time out with my best friend! Your night sounded amazing though! Thanks so much for reading and commenting 🙂 x

  • Soph Hearts says:

    I'm sorry that you feel like this about Valentines, I completely understand why it would be unpleasant. I feel like so many people put so much romance and gifts all over social media that it's hard to avoid and compare!
    Soph - x

    • Melina Elisa says:

      Yes, exactly that! It doesn't help at all. I definitely stayed off social media for Valentine's day! Thanks for reading and commenting Soph xx

  • K.M. Sutton says:

    Sending you so much love! I use to hate Valentine's Day as well! I hope yesterday was bearable for you sweet lady! <3

    • Melina Elisa says:

      It actually was fun! I went to a singles mixer at this bar with my best friend, and while I didn't meet anyone (I wasn't expecting to), I had fun having a few drinks and dancing the night away with my best friend 🙂 x
