my thoughts on valentine's day.

Valentine's day has always been one of those holidays that kind of feel ehh to me. I go back and forth deciding whether I like the holiday or not. It's so commercialized, but at the same time, I can never hate the idea of spending quality time with your significant other, best friend, or family, and letting them know how much you appreciate them.

I love the reds and pinks all over the place. I hate the commercials to pressure people into buying stuff.

Material items don't prove how much you care about someone. It just doesn't work that way. While ads of all sorts tell you otherwise, and make you feel pressured to purchase something, it couldn't be further from the truth.


Of course it's nice to surprise them with new lacy lingerie or some of their favorite treats, but never feel forced to make a purchase. Even more so if you can't afford to do so.

I think I've come to the conclusion, I like Valentine's day, as long as it's being done properly and for the right reasons.

Valentine's day shouldn't be the one day in the year that you go out of your way to show someone you care. I, like most people, prefer to get some flowers  just because, instead of because it's a holiday. I want you to appreciate me every single day of the year, not just for one day.


Never forget to show your loved ones that you care about them. While, Valentine's day is usually centered on romantic love, never forget to show those friends and family member that you love and care for them too.

I think I like Valentine's day, because it gives you an excuse to do something extra special. I've never been the type of person to go to a fancy restaurant for no reason, cause that sh*t's expensive! I usually prefer to save my money for something else, but on special occasions, I like the splurge a little bit.

I will be celebrating Valentine's day this year! For Valentine's day, I will be going to dinner with the boy I'm dating. I bought the perfect outfit for valentine's day, which I can't wait to share with all of you! I will be posting it on my Instagram (@heyyitsmelina), so keep a lookout for it! Since I have work the next day, we decided to spread out our plans throughout the entire weekend! Friday, we're going to a comedy club in New York City. On Sunday, we're going to a Hockey game! I'm excited for all of the plans.


What are your thoughts on valentine's day? Do you love it, hate it? Are you celebrating Valentine's day this year? Let me know in the comments down below! As always, thank you for reading. I hope you're having a wonderful night/day. Sending you love, strength, and positivity.

-Melina xxx

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  • Kate Loves Travel says:

    Totally agree with everything you said! Valentine's Day is just so commercialised. But it's nice to show your appreciation for that someone special so I don't mind it too much (but we don't make a big deal of it!) - sometimes we're just so busy with our day-to-day lives we forget so I guess it's nice to be reminded to make the effort!
    Kate x |

  • Lena Dee says:

    Love, Love, loveeee! I don't think too much about vday...I like the thought behind it but of course as years go by human beings find a way to make it really commercialized and apply a lot of pressure to a day that should be as beautiful as any other. It's nice to show appreciation and take a day to acknowledge love once you make that attempt everyday 😀 Lol funny enough I hate to see the red and white combo on vday it's annoying! but i like those colors separately or combined in a small dose lol. Have a great day hun and Happy Galentine's Day!! 🙂

    xx Lena |

    • Melina Elisa says:

      I completely agree, there is a lot of pressure ( which I talked about a bit in my post). I'm actually pretty indifferent about the red/white/pink look for valentine's day! I actually did like a red/pink eye look that day! Thank you so much for reading and commenting 🙂 xxx

  • Marie says:

    Yay your valentine's day plans sound very sweet and exciting, I hope you'll have a fantastic time and I'll keep an eye on your outfit over on instagram for sure 🙂
    I'm not a big fan of valentine's day, because like you said it's important to pay attention to the ones we love often and not necessarily because it's valentine's day. I like doing special things, too, but I prefer to save them for special dates, rather than valentine's day 🙂
    I hope you'll have a great one 😀

    • Melina Elisa says:

      thank you, and I completely understand where you're coming from! Hope you're having a great week 🙂 xx

  • alwayscleia says:

    I agree that Valentine's Day can be good as long as It's done properly. I don't celebrate it, Mike & I make a point to do nothing out of the ordinary for Feb. 14th. I much prefer when he surprises me with flowers because I'm sick or buys me my favorite food at the grocery store. Those little things should happen year round, not just one one day 🙂

    • Melina Elisa says:

      Surprise cute things are definitely the best, and I completely agree should happen all year round. Thanks for reading and commenting! xxx
