What is the greatest gift someone could give you?

Two posts in one day?! I fell behind on yesterday's Bloganuary, and decided to finish yesterday's prompt, while also writing today's. This is a really interesting thought, and it's something I don't really think about too often. I love buying gifts for my loved ones. The feeling you get when you found the perfect gift for them, and then you watch them open it up happily is the best feeling ever. And while I love that feeling, I feel so odd about other people gifting me things.

Of course I am so grateful, but at the same time it feels weird to me. I love a thoughtful gift, but the idea of someone spending their money on me makes me feel uncomfortable. So what could be the greatest gift someone could give you.

Well I love a good book (iykyk), but I think the best thing someone could gift me is an experience I can do with them. For example, a few years ago, my friend Erika got us tickets to go to one of these cool light shows in NYC! We had such a blast there. It's something I'll always cherish. It's a memory I'll always have of us doing something fun together.

My boyfriend got me concert tickets to a band I mentioned in passing, and I appreciated that so much, because it was something we did together! The band itself wasn't that great live, but I still really had a great time with him.

There was the time when I was 16, and my mom booked a vacation for us to go on a cruise. Since it was around my birthday, she allowed me to bring my best friend at the time. It was one of the best trips of my life. I had such a good time, and wouldn't have it any other way.

So if I could choose one thing someone could give me, it would be an experience with them. What about you guys, what is the greatest gift someone can give you?

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