what i was grateful for in april | 2019

I love gratitude posts, it reminds of all the good in my life. It's especially good when I'm feeling the way I am now. I've had some personal issues going on in my life, and so this post is exactly what I need right now. I need of a reminder of everything that I should appreciate in my life. Instead of talking more, let's get right into it!

game of thrones


This is probably one of the biggest highlights of April. This is the first season I'm watching live, and I'm honestly so glad for that. I don't know how some people have had to wait a whole week for an episode for all these years!

So far 3 episodes of the latest season have been released, but let me tell you every second of it has been beyond amazing. I never cease to be impressed by this show.

If you haven't watched it yet, I seriously suggest you do! If you're watching the show, what are you thoughts on these past few episodes? Let me know!

open mic night

For the second month in a row, I've gone to open mic night. I think it's going to be something I'm going to try to do every month. While I'm not one to get on stage to sing or read a poem, I really like the energy of the place I go to. Everyone is so nice. It's a place full of so much positivity. I honestly love it so much, I'm going tonight!

ax throwing


Last month I tried out a new activity, ax throwing! It was honestly so much fun. It's such a unique thing, and while I was not very good, I would definitely go back and try it out!


I think this was the month of brunches. I went to so many of them, I was honestly in heaven. I love breakfast food, especially when it's not for breakfast. I have found a few hidden gems near me, and I can't wait to go back!

**special shoutout to my best friend, Erika, birthday brunch! It was so delicious and a pleasure to spend a lot of my day with you **

jamie's birthday

For her birthday we went to Hoboken, and while it wasn't the best time we've had there, we ended the night with some amazing pizza. We're actually having a bday do-over next week, which I'm actually so excited for. I know for a fact we're going to have an amazing time.

70's yelp event

Yelp is a restaurant review app. I'm actually part of their "elite" squad, because I review a lot of restaurants. Every year they have one huge event, and this year it was 70's themed. I didn't get the chance to go last year, so I was super happy when me and my friend, Christina, both got accepted to go!

There was so much delicious food it was honestly so amazing!

So I guess by writing this out, I figured out I actually did a lot more things that I thought I did. When you're in a funk it's so easy to only concentrate on the negative, which couldn't be further from the truth. Overall I had a pretty good April. How was your month? Let me know! I hope it was wonderful. Thanks for reading! Sending you love, strength, and positivity.

-melina xxx

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  • The Style of Laura Jane says:

    I'm making it my mission this year to go to an open mic night and read some of my poetry. I absolutely love brunch and breakfast food! Pancakes...waffles..French toast - just mentioning this and I feel like I need to go and eat it now lol. xxx

    • Melina Elisa says:

      I hope you do preform at one! I know that you will feel so proud of yourself, and who knows it might help you network with some people from that industry!
      Brunch is my favorite meal of the day! Thank you so much for reading and commenting 🙂 xx

  • Karalee says:

    I'm also watching the new episodes of Game of Thrones as they're being released & I'm most curious about who will end up on the Iron Throne & how will everything be wrapped up?
    Ax throwing sounds fun & I love going to brunch too! Also I'm glad you had a good time at the 70's Yelp event!

    Tales of Belle

    • Melina Elisa says:

      omg what are your thoughts on the ending of game of thrones? I was definitely surprised by who became king. I was mainly pretty indifferent to the ending thought. I didn't love it, but I didn't hate it. There are definitely some things I would have added, but ehhh, with the way the season was ending, It could have been way worse!
      Thanks so much for reading and commenting xx

      • Karalee says:

        I was surprised by who became king too! I liked the ending since everyone alive pretty much got a happy ending. Yes it could've been much worse! I read a Tweet about how it could've ended where it was all Ned's dream

  • Marie says:

    I love these kind of positive posts so, so much! <3 I never went to an open mic night, but it has to be so much fun 🙂 and brunches! I LOVE brunches, wish I did them more often 😀
    Have a beautiful May! <3 <3

    • Melina Elisa says:

      I'm so glad you liked this post! I love brunches too! I love having breakfast later in the day, and so brunches are probably my favorite meal of the day! Thank you so much for reading and commenting! I hope you have an amazing May 🙂 x

  • Anonymous says:

    Wow! Open mic must be fun!

    • Melina Elisa says:

      They are! I wish I had a talent to preform on a stage (at the same time I don't, because I don't think i'd have the courage to get on stage!). They're honestly so fun, and have been a thing I've really looked forward to every month! Thank you for reading and commenting! x
