showing gratitude | august 2020

I feel like I just wrote one of these. It definitely has to do with the fact that not only did I write last month's post late, but since I'm only post once a week as of now, the weeks are going by extremely quickly! I honestly can't believe we're in September already? Where did the time go? Today, I'm showing gratitude for all the good that happened in the month of August!

August was a great month, definitely the best month of the summer. I started going out a lil bit this month, but let's get into it and talk about it some more.


showing gratitude beach

So after going back and forth a lot, I decided to go to the beach. Not only was it an amazing time, but it wasn't crowded at all! There was a lot of social distancing, and it was just great. I ended up going to the beach 2 other times this month!

While Summer is coming to an end, and I definitely didn't go to the beach as much as I wanted to, I'm still beyond grateful that I still got to enjoy it a few times this month.

Pummel Party

showing gratitude pummel party

So this month me & my brother went to my sister's boyfriend's apartment. While there we ended up playing a game called Pummel Party! It's kind of like Mario Party, but made for the PC and a little more...violent?

It's honestly so much fun, and after playing it that first time, I ended up playing it again about a week or two later! If you're looking for another game to play with people, then definitely give this game a try. It's also only $14.99, so it's super affordable!

Paint balling

showing gratitude paint balling

So I think I mentioned this in one of my posts throughout the month, but in August I went paint balling for the first time! I didn't know how much I was going to like it, but I ended up loving it.

Literally a week after we went, we signed up to go paint balling again. This time around we went with some of our co-workers and family. I enjoyed the second time much more than I enjoyed the first time, but I definitely got some pretty bad bruises. I honestly still have light bruises almost two weeks later!

It's a really cool activity, and I can't wait til the weather cools down, so I can go back!

Cape May

showing gratitude girls smiling cape may

For the last week of August, me and a few of my friends rented a house in Cape May! I have never gone there, and while it rained for both Friday & Saturday, I had a great time! I hope we do it again next year.

So these are the things I'm grateful for in the month of August? What have you guys been up to in the last month? Continue showing some gratitude and leave a comment down below letting me know what you're grateful for!

As always, I hope you're having a wonderful day/night. Sending you love, strength, and positivity!

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  • alwayscleia says:

    It's so good to hear that there was social distancing at the beach you went to! Our media up here definitely only reports on the bad places in the US, and they've made it sound like no one is ever wearing masks and every beach is overcrowded. It just goes to show that the news doesn't report every detail!
    I will definitely check out that Pummel Party game, it sounds fun!
    Have you played Among Us yet? It's basically a murder mystery and you try to guess who the imposter is. Every round is about 5 minutes, so it's really quick to learn. We love it!
    Happy October!!

    • Melina Elisa says:

      While I definitely know that some areas in the country are super chaotic, it's definitely not so bad where I live. Everyone's wearing a mask when we go out. I would even say that most restaurants have been super careful with the distancing the tables correctly and everything.
      Pummel party is super good! You can even play it with other people online, so if you wanted to play with your brother, you can!
      I love among us. All my siblings in my household have been playing. I'm a terrible imposter! but it's still super fun. Happy October 🙂 x

      • alwayscleia says:

        That's good! Hopefully case numbers will stay down.
        I'm definitely going to look into it, it sounds fun!! haha I'm such a bad imposter too, I'm terrible at explaining what tasks I was doing to the rest of the team. Take Care! x

  • K.M. Sutton says:

    I love these posts! It sounds like August was a good month for you! I can't believe how quickly summer went by! I am SO happy you went to the beach! It is crazy how empty it has been after seeing all the pictures on the news. Paint balling is so much fun! And I LOVE Cape May. I am sad because I didn't get to go to Nantucket, but next yer! I hope September is amazing for you <3

    • Melina Elisa says:

      I have never been to Nantucket! I am incredibly lucky that August was a good month for me, and actually quite eventful even with the restrictions! Thank you so much for reading and commenting, and I hope you have an amazing September 🙂 x

  • Amie says:

    I feel like especially right now with coronavirus, gratitude makes the world of difference!

    Love, Amie ❤
    The Curvaceous Vegan

    • Melina Elisa says:

      I feel like it's so easy to look at all the bad things that are happening in our lives and in the world, we forget to realize that there has been a lot of good as well ! These posts help me remember how much good has happened as well! Thanks so much for reading and commenting 🙂 x

  • Natasha Evans says:

    Looks like you had a great time! I wish I lived closer to a beach!

    Tash - A Girl with a View

    • Melina Elisa says:

      omg, august was amazing! I take how close I am to the beach for granted, but after this year, I definitely appreciated it for sure! I hope you had a great august, and an even better september 🙂 xx
