Sharing the Love: Favorite Blogs At the Moment Pt. 4

I've been in this type of blogging rut. I still love blogging, but I haven't been in the mood to write posts ahead of time. In the last week, I've been literally writing my posts either the day before or the day of. It's kind of cool for you guys to get posts real time, but at the same time it's literally a bit stressful in terms of figuring out what to write when I only have hours.

Most of the time I start writing, and things just come out (luckily), but I think I'm going to force myself to be a few posts ahead again. I like being able to take it easy and not stress. Plus, I'm going on a trip soon, which I haven't told you guys where yet, and so I want to leave some content up while I'm gone!

It's been two months since I did one of these, but I've been wanting to share with you these amazing writers for the longest time. As always, these girls are not in any particular order, and deserve all the love and success in the world. They have written thoughtful blog posts that have changed the blogging game (well, at least for me). 

Before I get into it, I'm going to leave the links of all the other posts in this series, because you should really follow each blog that I have mentioned, so here they are:

* Sharing the Love: Favorite Blogs At the Moment Pt. 3

* Sharing the Love: Favorite Blogs At the Moment Pt. 2

* Sharing the Love: Favorite Blogs At the Moment

Now onto the real post!

Thirteen Thoughts


Paula was one of the first big bloggers that I followed on Bloglovin'. She was always in the Lifestyle highlighted page. Her content was always super relatable and helpful in my life. She writes about her anxiety, how to increase productivity, and leaves some extremely helpful blogging information along the way. If you haven't heard of her yet, I'm super surprised, and think you should definitely check her out here!


Just Emmi


I don't remember how I found her? I'm pretty sure it was through one of those twitter threads where you discover other bloggers. I've been following her for a few months now, and until recently, I didn't realize how much I read and comment on her content. She is super relatable, and just plain real. She isn't the stereotypical blogger, which there is nothing wrong with you if you are, but she is just really cool. Not cool in the popular sense, just someone I think I would be friends with in real life. She predominantly writes lifestyle posts, and occasionally adds in some other topics, which are just as good as the lifestyle ones. If you haven't read a post of hers, give her a try, I promise you'll be hooked. You can check out her blog here!

Recently Written: What is my "style"? | Why the blogging hype is well and truly over | 10 Things they should have taught us at school



Now this is a girl that I've been following for years. I'm talking about wayy before my blogging days. I've been following her since 2009-2010. That's almost 8 years. To be clear, she didn't have a blog either. Well, not a proper one. I was following her on Tumblr. Yes, dear Tumblr. Michelle was popular on there, and I followed her. She was so refreshing, badass, honest, and just plain unmistakably herself. Eventually when I moved off of Tumblr, I followed her on Instagram. It was even better because I could see more of her personality. I don't know when she started her blog, but I followed it almost immediately. She doesn't post all the time, but when she does, her posts really hit home. She also sells some really cool merch and a good podcast (all of which you could find on her blog page). Check her stuff out, Michelle's amazing and you won't regret it. You can click here to check out her blog.

Recently Written: A Letter To My 20 Year Old Self. | Pep Talk.I'm Afraid I Just Blue Myself.

Each of these bloggers are so different from one another, but have a place in my heart for being some of my favorite bloggers. I hope you check all of them out! Who are some of your favorite bloggers recently? Let me know in the comments below, I'm always on the lookout for some new people to read. I hope you guys have a wonderful day/night. Sending you all love, strength, and happiness.

- Melina xxx


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  • Marie says:

    I love this series so much and you always make me discover amazing blogs I end up reading for hours haha. Thank you so much for that <3 <3

    • Melina Elisa says:

      I'm so glad you like these posts! I love the idea of connecting bloggers with other bloggers. And who knows, maybe you'll make a new friend 🙂 Thank you so much for reading and commenting! xx

  • KateLovesTravel says:

    Great post - it's lovely to see bloggers supporting each other like this! They sound like great blogs too!
    Kate xx |

    • Melina Elisa says:

      I hope you enjoy reading some new blogs! Thanks for reading and commenting 🙂 xx

  • osiokoye1999 says:

    Aww totally love this support you’re giving to bloggers.

    • Melina Elisa says:

      There are so many amazing bloggers in the world, and there's more than enough room for all of us to succeed if we each put in the work. I will always continue to support fellow creators! Thanks for reading and commenting! I hope you found someone new to potentially follow 🙂 xx

  • Emmi Bowles says:

    Thank you so much for including me in this. Haha we'd definitely be friends in real life, and thank you for always commenting on my posts. At least I know there is one person who likes my content haha

    • Melina Elisa says:

      Of course Emmi! I'm a huge fan of your blog, and will always be a fan 🙂 Keep staying true to yourself beautiful xxx
