Latest Podcast Favorites 003

Last week I had the most terrible light sensitive migraine. I spent the entire week sleeping. When I was starting to feel better towards the end of the week, I couldn't really watch anything on a screen, and so I spent my time listening to Podcasts. It's been a while since I shared my favorite podcasts (over two years to be exact). So today, I thought I would talk to you about my podcast favorites! Let's get into it.

Just in case you didn't read the first two, you can check the first podcast favorites here and the second podcast favorites here. Now, let's really get into it!

We bought a house.

we bought a house with claudia sulewski and finneas podcast favorites

This one has become a new favorite. Claudia Sulewski (a lifestyle/vlog USA YouTuber) & her boyfriend Finneas (who some of you might know for being Billie Eilish's brother). I've always been a fan of Claudia's Youtube videos, so I was more than excited when I found out she was planning on doing a Podcast.

They're only about 3-4 episodes in, but I'm already obsessed. They have this super lax, chatty style of podcast, which I really tend to enjoy. They talk about things going on in their lives, updates on their house, and all the randomness that pops into their head. You can check out the We Bought a House podcast here!


approachable podcast favorites

I've been subscribed to this podcast for a while now. While I listened to a few of the episodes, during last week I've listened to a whole bunch of them! They have over 35 episodes uploaded, so there's a lot of content to consume. The podcast is made by Samantha Ravndahl (a beauty YouTuber from Canada) & her best friend Alyssa. Every episode they spend about an hour discussing a specific topic. It's also very chatty, but much more focused than "We Bought a House".

If you like Samantha's chattiness in her YouTube videos, you'll love seeing her delve into other interesting topics such as Mental Health, Abortion, Motivation & Current Events. You can check out the Approachable Podcast here!

The Fringe of it

the fringe of it podcast favorites

I found the Fringe of it though someone's Instagram story. I don't exactly remember who it was, but I'm so glad they did! This is another chatty Podcast with Liv Puris (What Olivia Did) & Charlotte Jacklin (Betty), who are two UK bloggers/content creators. The podcast centers upon current events, things going on in their lives, & whatever they want to talk about.

I like their Podcast, because they also talk about Influencers & being a content creator overall. I really like their chattiness and the flow between the two of them. They have over 50 episodes that you can check out. You can check out The Fringe of it here!

So those are some more of my podcast favorites! I hope you give some of them a try a listen. What podcasts have you been listening to? I'm always looking for some new podcasts to enjoy.

Hope you guys are continuing to stay safe during the coronavirus. Sending you love, strength, and positivity.

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  • Shirsha says:

    I love these recos! I haven't heard any of these... so thank you! 🙂

    • Melina Elisa says:

      I hope you give them a listen, and enjoy some of them! Definitely let me know. Thanks so much for reading and commenting 🙂 x

  • jamnesreen says:

    I looooove Claudia and Finneas's Podcast. The quality is so good and I love it when they talk about Peach.

    • Melina Elisa says:

      Yeah, their podcast has honestly become one of my new favorites! I look forward to hearing whatever they talk about! Thanks so much for reading and commenting 🙂 x
