gray hair.

Today, (well not today, since I started writing this on Tuesday) I was shocked at what I found. I looked, and looked closer. I felt an array of emotions, and found that, yes, I had finally gotten my first gray hair.

I plucked the hair from my head to get a closer look. While the bottom of the hair was dyed auburn from the last time I dyed my hair, the top of the hair was indeed a gray/white shade.

How could this be? Isn't gray hair something that happens when you get old? I'm only 24! Way too young to be getting gray hairs. How long has this been on my head? How did I not notice? Is all of my hair going to start going gray? I wasn't planning on getting my first gray hair until I at least had my first kid.


I immediately called my mom. In my state of shock, I didn't know what to do.

The moment she got on the phone, I told her my news. "mom, you aren't going to believe it, guess what?". She didn't even try to guess, "what?". I then responded with, "mommmm, I got my first gray hair". 

At first, I didn't get a response. Finally, I start to hear the laughter. I'm having a quarter-life crisis, this was no laughing matter!

She finally stops laughing, and says, "it's okay". How could this be okay? Who is actually happy of having signs of aging? I'm the one who has one of the youngest faces in my friend group, I can't believe I have a gray hair before the age of 30! We talked a bit more and hung up the phone.


I went through each of the emotion you could think of, starting with shock. Followed by, upset, worry, back to shock, and finally...acceptance?

I mean I accept the fact. I, Melina, have gotten my first gray hair. Honestly, I might have more than one, but I've been too scared to check.

I feel like, even though I'm 24, I've always still considered myself to be a young adult. Someone just beginning their lives. With this gray hair, comes a harsh reality. I am getting older. Aging, and as of now, there's no stopping it.

All this week, I've been announcing my gray hair to everyone as if I have a dirty little secret. "Guess what?" I would whisper.

The responses were all very different from one another. My younger brother responds by, "wow, that's it? I thought you were going to tell me something juicier. An actual secret." You guys already know my mom's reaction. Then the guy I'm talking to just states that he's also had a few gray hairs already.


I know that just because I have a gray hair, it does not make me old, but signs of aging scare me a bit. I know that there is no correlation between gray hair and life span, but gray hair does mean that you are getting older.

While up to this point, I have not had an issue with getting older, this gray hair definitely made me pause. I am not getting any younger, and this hair is proof of it.

Because of this hair, 2019 will be the year that I make the most of life. Like I said, I'm not getting any younger.

Do you have any gray hair? If so, when did you start growing it? If not, what would your reaction be to getting gray hair? Let me know in the comments down below! As always, thank you for reading. I hope you have a wonderful day/night! Sending you love, strength, and positivity.

-Melina xx


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  • barelysurvivingcollege says:

    I have yet to find any grey hairs, but I did recently start finding dark brown hairs! I have had naturally blonde, or "dirty dishwater blonde" as my dad calls it, hair my whole life. I've always been told someday it will go brown, but never believed it. I'm disappointed to say the least, but who knows? Maybe it'll stay blonde, I hope.

    • Melina Elisa says:

      I can imagine that this is super disappointing! I know most people with blonde hair who now have brown hair and have to get highlights or something to make their hair light again! Fingers crossed that most of your hair stays blonde! Thank you so much for reading and commenting love 🙂 xx

  • iiamjones says:

    I’ve had gray hair unfortunately since I was very young...I’m talking 7 years old. I’m 30 now...(hard to believe) I’ve learned that I have more than what I had at that age but not enough for it to really stick out. I only notice it when I wash my hair

    • Melina Elisa says:

      Omg, how did it feel to have gray hairs at such a young age? I've actually toned my hair gray a few times, but it's different when you know it's temporary! Thank you for reading, commenting, and telling me about your own personal experience on the topic. 🙂 xxx

      • iiamjones says:

        I just dealt with it. Nothing really I could do, coloring my hair didn’t even help.

      • iiamjones says:

        Honestly, because I grew up with it, it never really bothered me. I guess because it wasn't a shock or surprise strand. What bothered me most about it was when I went to dye my hair it didn't dye with the rest of it. You're Welcome <3

  • alwayscleia says:

    You're getting older but one grey hair doesn't make you old! My mom got her first grey hairs when she was 16, though she had just undergone major eye surgery so the stress helped them along. I keep peering at my blonde roots when they come in suspicious of finding greys. So far so good, but my husband has half a beard of salt & pepper already and he isn't even 30 yet.

    But you know, the older I get the more I like myself. I wouldn't ever want to go back to being in high school or fresh out of university, I feel like that time was stressful and hard. So when I do see greys I hope I can see it as a sign that I survived those times and am (hopefully) in a better place of my life.

    ... Who am I kidding, I know I'll freak out!

    • Melina Elisa says:

      That's true, I definitely know that there are a lot of positives of getting older. and i would never go back to how I felt when i was in high school. I definitely survived hard times, and should be proudly wear these gray hairs....but I'll bad sad the next time I see one anyways. Thanks for reading and commenting xxx

      Melina |

      • alwayscleia says:

        I hope you don't see too many too soon!

  • ZyraKuma says:

    I'm only 19 and yet I've been receiving gray hair! But I found out it was just cuz of my hair dye colour wearing out cuz it happened after I dyed my hair. 😪

    • Melina Elisa says:

      That's exactly how I found out! I didn't dye my hair for the past two months, and then found the gray hair! I wouldn't have known otherwise. Thanks for reading and commenting love 🙂 xxx

  • Melissa @ Always, Lissa says:

    I was 16 the first time I saw a gray hair. And for a long time I didn't see another. Not until I was 28. Then again at 32. Now at 38, I see one like once a week. No matter how young you are, or even how old, the first time you see one is crazy. It's like a gut punch. Unfortunately stress can bring them out faster. Ditto pretty much any "bad" habit lol. Too much caffeine, not enough sleep, etc. So I don't know if I'd call it overreacting. Not unless you're saying your life is over when you see two more 😉

    • Melina Elisa says:

      You're right, no matter when the first hair comes out, it always comes as a shock. There's something about what gray hair signifies. Thanks for not calling me an overreact-er! My life is definitely not over, I'm just getting started. Thanks so much for reading, and for your beyond thoughtful comment Melissa 🙂 xxx

  • Zoë says:

    Awhhh ahaha! Im 18 and I haven't had any signs of grey hair (thank god), but I do have obvious laughter lines and forehead wrinkles hahahaha!! I don't think anyone would notice but I always see it ahah, probably sounds like im just overreacting, but its the same as your situation! xx

    • Melina Elisa says:

      You're so right, but when you notice it, it worries you! Like you said, we're both definitely overreacting, but I think seeing changes like that give us some lee-way in terms of overreacting at least a little bit! Thanks so much for reading and commenting 🙂 xx
