Friendships I owe my life to.

I was reading a post by Sophie Rose, it wasn't directly related to friendships specifically, but I realized that I am beyond grateful that I've been blessed with some of the best friends in the world.

Friends are the people who have seen you at your worst, and are still there for you. They help bring you back from hell. They're the types of people who know you aren't perfect, and still love you for you are.

I feel like your 20's are the time where you realize who your true friends are. It's when school doesn't necessarily keep you close. You are each doing your own thing, growing into your own person, and you realize that friendships take a lot of work. It's not as simple as going to school and spending lunch with them.

Everyone's constantly busy, and if you truly care about the friendship, you have to reach out. Both of you have to reach out. It can't be one sided either.

Losing and gaining new friends is completely normal. We're learning and seeing who's growing with us. We're also learning to see who's there for us when we actually really need them.

There are loads of people who disappear the moment you need them most. Take note of who those people are. They're not a true friend.

In the last 23 years of my life, there are only four people that I would call my true friends. People I would call at all hours of the day in case of an emergency, and they'd come at a moment's notice. They're the people I want to tell my good news too. They're my cheerleaders. They're the people I would trust my deepest darkest secrets with. The people I KNOW won't talk shit about me behind my back.

I've been through a lot, and it's difficult to fully give myself to people, but these four know me inside and out. I am beyond grateful to them. I want to give them a huge public thank you for being my friend and always having my back.

They say that you are an average of the 5 people you hang out with most. I am happy to even be a little bit like any of these people.



Now I've known this girl since 7th grade, so we were about 11-12? We were going through that awkward puberty phase. We had actually have known each other for years; we were in the same Girl Scout troop, but didn't get close until 7th grade.

She is honestly one of the best people I have ever met in my entire life. You would be lucky to have her as a friend. She is so genuine, funny, fun, smart, kind-hearted, thoughtful, and the list goes on. I honestly can write pages and pages about why she's an amazing friend. I could never repay her enough for all that she's ever done for me.

She has listened to me when I need an ear, she gave me advice when I needed it most, she gave me a shoulder to cry on so I didn't feel so alone. She has taught me so much and has helped me grow into the person I am today. I don't know who I would be or where I would be if it wasn't for you. Thank you Erika. I will never be able to put into words how much you mean to me, and how grateful I am to have you as a friend.


While I'm not a fan of how I look in this photo, I have to show off how beautiful my sister looks. Photo Credit: GreatHeightsPhoto

Now most of you should know this name by now. This is my sister. I have been blessed because my sister is also one of my best friends. I know people where this isn't always the case. My sister knows me probably almost better than I know myself.

She's probably the only person who knows exactly how to push my buttons.

She's also the person I fight the most with. We are so different, but so alike at the same time. Is that possible?

We have so many similarities in terms of interests, but when it comes to personality, it's crazy to think how different we are. While I don't know if we'd be friends if we weren't related, I am so happy to have you as a sister. I love you so much, and appreciate all that you do for me. You have seen me at my rock bottom, and you continue to build me up, so thank you.



Our friendship started wayyy back in third grade. I was the new kid, and you were nice enough to introduce yourself and be my first friend. That was the start of our beautiful friendship.

We did have a blip on the road where we weren't friends for 3 years, but the moment you came back into my life, it was almost as if we never stopped being friends. You are a literal ray of sunshine in my life. I know not everything in your life is rainbows and unicorns, but you always cheer me up.

You are that friend who's up at odd hours, so you are usually one of the first people I message if something's on my mind late at night. You are the person who'll pick me up at 3-4 in the morning if I need someone to talk to.

I love our deep conversations just as much as love our light-hearted ones. Thank you for being my friend.



Now we go wayy back, I'm talking Pre-K back. I was the one who introduced you to the beauty of peanut butter and jelly and the movie Hocus Pocus. We would have play dates and then I moved away. I thought that it would be the end of our friendship, but then I joined your Girl Scout troop (the very same one that Erika was in)! It's funny, because you always tried to convinced me to join, but I thought it was lame, so I didn't. Lo and behold I became with another girl and she convinced me to go. Whoops, sorry about that.

We definitely drifted apart a bit in between middle school and high school. We always saw each other, but we weren't as close.

I would say we started getting closer again when I was in college. We didn't go to the same school, but for whatever reason (if you know what started it, let me know) we started messaging and talking more again.

Since then, our friendship has grown even stronger. I love talking books with you, and just doing whatever we feel like doing. I want to thank you for being there for me during my rock bottoms, you were always so cute and sent me those care packages. You never rang my doorbell though! The amount of thought that went to those care packages will never stop to make me tear up. I am so grateful to have you as a friend. You have always been there for me, even when I wasn't being the best friend in the world. I appreciate you so much, and am so happy to have you as a friend. Thank you.

I have over 13 years with each of these people, and sometimes it just shocks me! I am so privileged to know these people for that long. They have literally filled my heart with love and amazing memories.

Now that you know who has made a huge impact in my life, how many people have changed your life? Let me know in the comments below! I hope you guys enjoyed this post. Have a wonderful day/night. Sending you all love, strength, and positivity!


-Melina xx

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  • Marie says:

    This is such a wonderful post, Melina. I also love how you're so close with your sister - I'm exactly the same way, my sister is my best friend in the entire world and it's the best, to have a relationship like that 🙂
    IT's true that, in our twenties, we really see who our real friends are and it's so easy to lose touch, or / and see when a friendship just happens to be one-sided, unfortunately that has happened to me a whole lot. I guess the ones who matter really stay and that's what matters the most 🙂 x

    • Melina Elisa says:

      thanks so much for reading and commenting! I have lost friends for a variety of reasons, but like you said the people who truly matter stay 🙂 xx

  • femaleoriginal says:

    Aww this is such a lovely post! It's so nice to think that you've been friends with each of them for such a long time. All of my closest friends I met through university in my sports society so I haven't known them for anywhere near as long as you've known your best friends! xx

  • Dancing With Life says:

    It glad you know who your friends are and appreciate them, and they probably appreciate you as much as you appreciate them. Hocus Pocus is also such a good film, you've educated your friend wisely.

    • Melina Elisa says:

      lmfaoo, thank you! Hocus Pocus literally used to be one of my favorite movies so it had to be done. Thanks for reading and commenting love :)xx

      • Dancing With Life says:

        My sisters made me watch it 🙄 along with charmed. No problem keep up the good work 🙂

  • The Style of Laura Jane says:

    As a teenager, I was so insecure that I wasn't popular or had a large group of friends. And as I left school and got my first job after college, I was so happy that I got along with everyone and seemed to have this huge clique of people. But, when I left, only one kept in touch.
    I think most only have a handful. But I'd rather have that then a group of people who don't have your back or aren't fighting in your corner.
    Similarly, my sister and I are completely different in personality. But we share a lot of interests. Lovely post as always girl! xx

    • Melina Elisa says:

      I think it's true, you can have a lot of friends/acquaintances, but it's rare for you to have more than a few best friends.
      Thank so much for reading and commenting! I'm glad you enjoyed it 🙂 xx

  • KateLovesTravel says:

    What a lovely post! It sounds like you have some amazing friends... keep them close and don't lose touch with them if you can avoid it - you never know when you might need them! (I'm terrible at keeping in touch with friends as I've moved around so much)!
    Kate x |

    • Melina Elisa says:

      I'm terrible at keeping touch with them, always answering hours/days later, but thank god they know it's something I have trouble with, and still love me for it! It's never too late to reach out love 🙂 Thanks so much for reading and commenting xx

  • Grace Louise says:

    This is such a cute post Hun - I love it! Friendships are so important and I loooove my friends 🙂

    Grace Louise ||

    • Melina Elisa says:

      Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed reading it, I appreciate you taking the time to comment 🙂 xx

  • Always Cleia says:

    Your friends sound amazing! It's great to have such a good support system and take time to be grateful for them. I've drifted apart from a lot of my school days friends but there are a few that always have my back 🙂

    • Melina Elisa says:

      I honestly have the best friends in the world. I have had LOADS of friend breakups over the years, but I mean what do you expect. There are misunderstandings, mistakes (on both sides), betrayals, breaking of trust, and people just plain sometimes move one. It happens. I'm glad you have a lil' group of friends that always have your back 🙂 x

  • Jessica Pardoe says:

    This is such a lovely post Melina! I couldn't agree more that you find your true friends in your 20's. I lost touch with a lot of mine when I moved to university almost 3 year ago and it really goes to show some things. You seem to have some wonderful friends and I love how you included your sister in there too!

    All the best to you and them 🙂

    Jessica |

    • Melina Elisa says:

      Friend breakups suck, even more than regular breakups sometimes. The ending to some of these friendships could seem like the end of the world, and so I like writing about the fact that while it might seem like it's the end of the world at the time, it's really not. You'll find even better people to actually be there for you. I'm actually super close to all my siblings, thank god! Thanks for reading and commenting!
