Fridaze 008

I've been meaning to get back on here, but as always, times flies, and another month has passed! I haven't been able to catch up on all my friend's blog posts, much less write on my own blog. Don't you worry, I'll be catching up with you all very soon!

Since I've been gone, I've honestly done so much, that I'll share the highlights of the past month!

South Carolina

The big highlight in the past month was the fact that I got the chance to visit my brother in South Carolina again! While I was expecting to have nice weather the entire time we were there, that was not the case. We ended up getting a lot of rain, but made the best of it! We went tubing down the river, visited a whole bunch of places where the Notebook was shot, shopping, and went to a winery!

Of course there were late nights chatting, watching movies, playing videogames, and lots of drinking. Overall, I always have a great time when I go to visit my South Carolina Fam, and I really hope to see them soon!

Day in Philly

Me and my friend Amanda, decided to have a spontaneous day trip to Philly. I always feel so grateful to live close to two really great metropolitan cities. While I live much closer to NYC, I'm still a pretty close distance to Philly.

We ended up doing the Candytopia exhibit and had a great time! Afterwards, we ended up in this really delicious Italian restaurant. Overall a great outing. There's something about spontaneous adventures, that always tend to be successes.

Girls Night out

Recently, I had my first real outing since my birthday! I went out with some of the girls, and we ended up at this Club named Perle. We had an amazing time together. The drinks were flowing, the music was good, and we spent the whole night dancing! Can't wait for the next one.

Struggling with "post-covid" life

I don't know if this is something a lot of people are struggling with, but even though thing have hit a new normal for the better, I feel like I've struggled to transition smoothly. Finding the balance between my pre-covid and post-covid self. I'm easily overwhelmed. While I feel grateful of being able to do things again, I'm having trouble juggling my renewed social life and still making enough time for myself.

I don't always feel this way. It tends to hit me in waves. This is something I'm working through in therapy, and hope that I will get past these feelings soon! Anyone else struggling?

Shows/Movies I’ve Watched This Week:

  • Banana Fish Episodes 9-24 [Amazon]
  • WandaVision Episode 5-10 [Disney+]
  • Bull Season 5 Episodes 12-13 [Verizon OnDemand]
  • DevilMan Crybaby Episodes 1-7 [Netflix]

That's been my month in a nutshell! How has your week/month been? Let me know! Sending you all love, strength, and positivity. Chat soon xx

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  • Cleia says:

    The post-covid struggle is real. It's not all over here, but our life has a new normal where vaccinated people can go out and socialize... but not everyone is at the same comfort level and I'm constantly overwhelmed with life. I feel like there is so much time and yet never enough time, and I want to go out and yet do nothing at all. Nothing could have possibly prepared me for pandemic life.

    I hope you find your balance with the new world!

    • Melina Elisa says:

      Thank you so much for playing catch up with my blog, and reading/commenting on so much of them! It was a pleasant surprise when I received the emails of all the comments you left 🙂 I COMPLETELY agree with you. Even though I've always struggled with anxiety and feeling overwhelmed, I feel like I'm overwhelmed much easier now! I struggle with time going too fast, but not fast enough. I worry about getting older, it's been months since I've written this, and I'm still trying to find the balance!
