favorite bullet journal spreads so far... | 2019

Hey guys, I haven't really been posting much about my bullet journal this year. I really felt like my spreads have been pretty minimal, and not overly elaborate. There have been some spreads and layouts that I've really enjoyed this year!

I thought I would make this post to share with you some of my favorites so far!



So in February I created a very "yellow" spread! While technically what I did was extremely minimal, I added lots of different stickers and washi tapes! The markers I'm using in this are a mix of the Tombow Brush Pens and the Crayola Super Tips! I recently got myself a Crayola 50 marker set, and I love them! There are so many different colors, and I'm honestly so in love.

This spread took me less than 15 minutes to make, so it's super easy, especially people who don't really have the time to take too much time on their spreads.

Here are links to everything from this spread (not affiliate): Building Stickers | Asian Washi Tape | Starbucks Beverage Stickers | Crayola SuperTips | Tombow Brush Pens | Sakura Pigma Micon Fineliner


This spread is extremely similar to the one in February, but I added a blogging schedule to the bottom of it! I kind of liked this layout, I just felt like the bottom blogging schedule needed a bit more space! I think my favorite thing about this spread was the plant stickers! I used them throughout the month, and it just brought so much color! I loved them.

The stickers and washi tape are both from Ali Express, and I'm using some Crayola SuperTips Markers!

Here are links to everything from this spread (not affiliate): Crayola SuperTips | Washi Tape | Plant Stickers | Sakura Pigma Micon Fineliner


On the left hand side you can see that I have my march memories, with the same washi tape and plant stickers from the spread beforehand.

I really wanted to show you guys that I've been working on my brush letter/fake brush lettering. This is the first year that I created Monthly introduction spreads. I write the name of the month, the year, and a quote that resonates with me that month.

While I'm not especially proud of how I wrote out April, I can see the improvement from January til now (almost May).

Here are links to everything from this spread (not affiliate): Crayola SuperTips | Washi Tape | Plant Stickers |


In May, I completely changed the layout! Instead of making these big calenders, I made a small one, and then underneath I started writing out my plans for the month. I think I like this better. I don't have the smallest handwriting, and so this actually makes much more sense to me.

This is the first month that I added a significant amount of my own doodles. I've had a little bit more time on my hands, and so I thought it would be cute to add this!

On the right hand side, I brought back my blogging schedule. Since I have a very hectic May, I have to be very organized with my blog posts! I already have a lot of them pre-planned, so I can write them before I go on vacation and for days I'm planning on being busy!

Here are links to everything from this spread (not affiliate): Crayola SuperTips | Muji Highlighter


So for May, I also changed my weekly spreads! They're now divided into lil' squared sections. I also have a mini tracker at the end of the week. I have a few things I have to make sure that I do a few times a week, and so this was great for me! I can't wait to see how it helps me next month!

I also created lil' doodles on the edges of the pages, which I love.

Here are links to everything from this spread (not affiliate): Crayola SuperTips | Muji Highlighter

I think it's super cool to see how my spreads change throughout the year. Some changes are super minimal, and some are just completely different! Do you change your spreads a lot throughout the year or do you tend to keep them the same? Let me know!

-melina xxx

**Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, I will earn a small commission if you click through and make a purchase. If you feel uncomfortable with this, simply search for the item yourself.**

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  • Kate Loves Travel says:

    I really want to start bullet journalling - it's such a great idea. I'm just not sure where to start if I'm honest - I guess I just need to buy a journal and give it a go! Yours is lovely - will definitely use these spreads for inspiration!
    Kate xx | https://katelovestravel.net

    • Melina Elisa says:

      It's just like starting a blog, it may seem overwhelming at first, but you just start! It's such a great way to be organized and productive at the same time! My favorite part is the way you can customize it for your needs! Thanks so much for reading and commenting Kate xx

  • Marie says:

    Ahhh I love these spreads so, so much Melina, you inspire me to start my own, really <3 These look so good <3

    • Melina Elisa says:

      Thank you so much! I'm still waiting for the day you decide to start your own! I think it would look fabulous. Thank you so much for reading and commenting xxx

  • Lena Dee says:

    I’m loving the spring vibes! Totes cute 💕 I like bullet journaling I use to do it a lot back at uni, I enjoy turning my book into a doodle spot while organising my week’s events, it was always so calming and gave me time to think of the things I may be forgetting. I think you’re fab at decorating and I like the different stationery you've been using hun! 🖊✂️📒

    xx Lena | https://lenadeexo.com

    • Melina Elisa says:

      Thank you so much! You should go back to it, it's such a relaxing way to doodle and plan at the same time! Thank you so much for reading and commenting Lena love xxx
