dear diary, #4

I have to say while I find these posts to be extremely therapeutic, writing this one made me a little bit anxious. A lot has happened since the last time I wrote one.

Well, it's not actually true. Not a lot happened, but something extremely significant happened to me.

My relationship of almost a year ended. I don't really want to get into the details. While I'm very open about me, my thoughts, and my life. I like to keep my relationships pretty private.

Sadly, it didn't work out between us, and I wish him all the happiness in the world. Because of this whole thing, I've been in a little bit of a funk. Not as much motivation to work out, go out, or write blog posts.

I've definitely been pushing myself a little bit to keep my blogging schedule in tact. With the exception of posting last Friday's post late, I have to say that I've done pretty well.


These last few weeks, I've actually done nothing interesting. I've caught up on my TV shows (which you'll hear more about in my seasonal favorites post coming up in a few weeks). 

I actually started to re-watch Gossip Girl for the third time. I'm already on season 5! I have to say that I'm a little ashamed to say that I've gotten so far so quickly. I feel like every time I watch the show, I come to some new realizations. There are certain characters I like more and others I dislike more.

I love thinking about what I would change about the show if I were the writer. I would  have definitely made Vanessa gossip girl if I were the writer!


There are two weeks until my vacation and I cannot wait. I can't wait to explore, relax, eat loads, and take a whole bunch of pictures! I'm going to Cuba, and I can't wait to get to know that beautiful country. I will also be spending some time in Florida, so I'm also super excited about that!

Finally, my project is coming close to it's final parts. There are only a few more things that need to be done before we (my sister and I) are happy with the final product. It's taken us a lot of work, and we are super proud of what we have!

We want it to be perfect before I announce what we've been working on, but I'm honestly so excited!


On another note, I've also been starting to plan out a huge work party for the end of the year! I love planning things, it just makes it so much more real. It's kept me pretty busy, and for that I'm grateful for it.

I'm going out with my best friend, Jamie, tonight and I'm so excited. Not only have I not seen her in a month, but this is going to be her do-over birthday! We haven't had a me/her outing in so long, so I'm happy to just hang out with her and have a good time!


What have you all been up to these past few weeks? Let me know! I hope you're all having an amazing May! Sending you love, strength & positivity.

-melina xxx



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  • Panty Buns says:

    My condolences on the end of your previous relationship.
    Going out with Jamie for her do-over birthday sounds wonderful.
    All my best wishes for a wonderful vacation next week,
    and for health, wealth and happiness in the future.

  • Ashlynn says:

    I'm sorry about your relationship, but it seems like your head is in the right place. Here's to better, brighter days ahead. Also, I'm looking forward to this thing that you have planned! Super curious what it is, but whatever it may be, I'm sure it will be amazing!!!

    Ashlynn |

    • Melina Elisa says:

      It has definitely been hard being single again, but I guess now I can focus on me and having an amazing summer!
      I can't wait to announce it to you all what it may be! I've actually announced it to a few people extremely close to me, and it's been completely positive responses, so I can't wait!
      Thank you so much for reading and commenting Ash xxx

  • Panty Buns says:

    I have never watched Gossip Girl, but after reading that you're already re-watching its fifth season for the third time I think I may try watching it (I do have NetFlix).
    I have never visited Cuba, have never even gotten a passport, and have only read a couple of blog posts (both by Sea of Blush) about visiting Cuba so far:
    I can't wait to read about your adventures after you get back!
    Going out with Jamie for her do-over birthday sounds wonderful!
    Best wishes for much happiness going forward and in your future relationships and for your vacation in Cuba!

    • Melina Elisa says:

      I just finished gossip girl a few days ago! I honestly love it so much. I definitely recommend you give it a try, and if you do end up watching it, let me know your thoughts on it!
      Oh my goodness, if you love adventure and experiencing new things, I definitely recommend you get a passport and go out there and see the world. It can start as small as doing a vacation close to home, and then branch out to countries like Mexico or Canada, and who knows! It's honestly so worth it.
      Thank you so much for your kind words as always, and I can't wait to tell you guys about my experience in Cuba! Thank you so much for reading and commenting xx
