dear diary, #3

I've been really like these informal just sit down and type what comes to mind type of posts. I mean I think I have a very "conversational" style of blogging in general, but these posts are so much less organized than my ordinary posts.

I feel like the last two months have just been flying by. I've been reading a lot of books, have started tanning on my deck in the backyard, and working on my project non-stop.

I considered not writing a "Dear Diary" this month, because there isn't really much to talk about!


I've literally been working on my project the entire month, which I still don't want to talk about. I just don't really like to publicize things like this, until it's ready enough. Some of my extremely close friends know about it, and their excitement excites me. I know some of you are extremely curious, but I promise you I'll be able to let you guys know in about 2 months!

On another exciting note, there's less than 40 days til my trip! I'm beyond excited for that too. I feel like it's been so long since I've traveled. Like yes, I've gone to Connecticut to visit my brother before he moved, but I've been there so many times, that I don't necessarily count it?

So this is going to be my first trip in 2019!

I've already started planning some mini trips for the rest of the summer, so that's been pretty fun as well.


Next week, I'm going to this Yelp Event where we get to dress up in 70's clothes. I have a few tie-dye shirts, so I was thinking of going with that type of vibe. I'll probably either take a lot of videos on my Instagram story or post a photo on my Instagram feed.

I've been pretty inactive in terms of posting on my Instagram profile. I've been commenting and interacting with other people on there, but I haven't really been active in terms of posting myself. I have to say it's been truly refreshing. Yes, I promise when the summer starts and I start actually doing things, I will be posting wayy more often, but for now, I'm enjoying the break and no-pressure from just chilling in the background.


In terms of exercising, another thing I've been doing a lot of, I haven't exercised in a week. I honestly feel so guilty, because I was exercising about 5-6 times a week for two weeks! I definitely bumped it up tons to see if I would get the results I want before my trip. I haven't given up hope yet, and hope to have some type of improvement before I go away.

My goal was to be in the best shape of my life this summer, and while summer is just around the corner, I'm still motivated to make that happen.

I haven't had legitimate fast food in over 3 weeks. To some that doesn't sound like a lot, but it's a lot for me! Yes, I have had Qdoba one day, but I haven't had Taco Bell or Wendy's or Sonics or any of that type of food.


A bit update since the last month, which I just now realized, is that I went back to Intermittent Fasting. I didn't realize it at the time, but when I was in college (university), I would intermittent fast. I was never a breakfast person, so I would typically skip breakfast and start eating around noon.

I stopped doing that when I graduated from college, but recently I've been doing some reading on the benefits of it, and decided to go back to it! Well a more structured version of it. There are a few ways to fast, but the one I'm doing is the 16:8. I fast for 16 hours, and then eat for 8 hours. I basically skip breakfast, and start eating at 12 pm, and stop all my eating by 8 pm.

Now, I know I say I'm doing it, but I allow myself to cheat on the weekend if I'm going out with friends or family or something. The first week was hard, because I would get headaches, but now it's nice. I honestly feel really good, and I feel like it's honestly the perfect way for me to eat!

(remember, I'm not a professional or anything like that, I'm just talking briefly about my experience with it).


My life isn't really that exciting as of late, but it's funny that when you just start writing and see where you end up, you actually see how much has honestly been on your mind. I've had a few more things happen to me than I thought!

What have you guys all been up to? Let me know! Sending you love, strength, and positivity.

-melina xx



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  • Karalee says:

    I'm excited to hear about your project you've been working on & your trip will be here before you know it!
    I hope you have fun at the 70s themed event & that's great you've been exercising more & not eating fast food!

    Tales of Belle

    • Melina Elisa says:

      I'm so excited to announce it! The few people I have told have been extremely supportive and excited for me!
      I know, It's less than 40 days away! I can't believe it!
      Thanks for reading and commenting Karalee 🙂 x

  • Zoë says:

    Your blog is honestly my favourite!! Ive been struggling with my body and weight lately, thank you very much to the pill. I don't fit into my shorts or jeans anymore, and despite working out I cannot lose the weight at all. At this point Ive kind of given up hope, but I am planning on switching to the implant for many reasons so Im hoping it will help with my weight! Intermittent fasting sounds so interesting, but I am starving as soon as I wake up so I don't know if its something I can do...? Loved this post!! xx

    • Melina Elisa says:

      Oh my goodness, when you say things like that, it makes me cheese up! It literally makes my day, so thank you so much!
      I'm literally on the same boat as you! I've gained so much weight because I changed my birth control, and now that I switched to something else, I just can't get that weight off! I'm so frustrated, because I've never had weight issues in my life, and then to gain it all in a year is super upsetting!
      If you want to try intermittent fasting, but get extremely hungry as soon as you wake up, it means you're not eating enough protein before you go to bed! I make sure my meal is full of proteins before I have to start fasting so I'm not hungry when I wake up! You can also train your body to not be hungry when you wake up by, pushing the time you start eating later and later! I definitely make sure i have a lot of water in my system and it also helps a lot! If you have any more questions, let me know!

  • Soph Hearts says:

    I love these more casual posts too. I'm very intrigued to hear about your new project, I'm happy it's going well and excited to hear more about it when you're ready!
    Soph - x

    • Melina Elisa says:

      I can't wait to announce it to you all! Thank you so much Soph 🙂 x
