3 Posts I'm Lovin' Right Now | Episode 2

I got such an amazing reaction from this post, and I love sharing my fave posts, that I decided to continue this as a series on my blog! So, here are three posts that really spoke to me.



I've seen loads of variations of this post. I think I might have even done one sometime last year. For whatever reason, this post spoke to me. Maybe it's because these are pieces of advice I would love to tell my younger self. I honestly have no idea. This post was so well written, and I loved every moment of reading it. If you want to read it, you can click here.




I know what you're thinking, Melina, another post about tips to live your life?! Yes, I guess I was in that type of mood around this time period, aha. I absolutely love Helene's blog, and this post was especially special to me. I love having other bloggers tell me things that I should do in order to make my life better. It's almost like a reminder. I don't want to give much away, but if you want to read it yourself, you totally can here!


Read This If Nobody Texted You Good Morning


This is a post that hit so close to home. I can't explain to you why, but it does. When I first read this I was going through a breakup and thought that I was going to be #foreveralone. Looking back, I guess I was being a little bit dramatic, but this post was exactly what I needed to read in order to feel much more optimistic. It's so beautifully written, and probably will be one of my favorite posts ever (hence, being included in this post). If you want to read it, you can click here!


If you haven't read the first installation of this series, you can read it here.


What post are you loving right now? Let me know in the comments below! I hope you have a great day/night. Sending you all love, strength, and positivity.

-Melina xxx

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