Two Way Street by Lauren Barnholdt - 3 Stars

This book is one of those books which i've passed in Barnes and Noble all the time and i would pick it up read the summary and then put it back down. It was one of those books where, from reading the back, I would be nervous, cause i just wasn't sure if i was going to like the book or not. I decided that i didn't want to spend full price on the book, so i bought it on for less than half the price used.

Now i'm not saying that the book was bad, actually i was kinda pleasantly surprised.The book was about this girl, Courtney who was dating this guy for a few months, and he dumps her right before they're about to go on this big road trip to the college they both coincidentally were going to.

After her parents tell her that it's too late to buy plane tickets, she ends up having to go on the road trip with her ex-boyfriend. Now throughout the trip, you get points of view from both characters, and find out that things aren't what they seem.

The book ended in a way that i was pretty content with the ending. But it's the kind of book that thinks could have been resolved wayy quicker if the guy, Jordan, had done things differently. He gets terrible advice from his best friend, and actually listens to him. I guess the book would have been made if he didn't end up listening to his friend and did was his gut was telling him to do the whole time, but i'm kinda getting off point.

The book was alright, the ending didn't disappoint me, and most of you will probably know the main conflict by the middle of the story. It's not the type of book i would rave about to my friends, but it isn't something I would tell people not to buy. I actually really liked the author's style of writing, which means i'll probably end up buying another story of hers.

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  • Pia says:

    This sounds like a good beach or plane read! Also yessss, buying used books is the best life hack.

    xx, Pia

    • ivefoundwaldo says:

      I started buying most of my books used! You get to buy so many more books that way xxx
