is it too late to try to be successful online?

I've been watching vlogtober from a few people over the past week, and a thought crossed my mind. Is it too late to start an Instagram account, a blog, or Youtube channel and be "successful"? What I mean, is it too late to grow a following if you started to take social media seriously?

I feel like now is the hardest time to grow a following on almost every platform. It used to be so much easier. Especially on Instagram.

Nowadays, with algorithms, and people being more picky with what content they follow (including myself, wrote a post about it here), it's harder to get people to engage, watch, and follow you!


A few months ago, me and my sister launched a clothing store, and so we had to start a whole bunch of social media accounts, and start fresh (if you want more information on that, you can read about it here).

I definitely have to say, I was extremely nervous to start with 0 followers on Instagram. Correction, we started off with 3 followers (me, my sister, and our dog's insta). Nonetheless, it was extremely daunting to think about how difficult it was to gain the 3,000+ followers on my personal Instagram. Not only that, but having to delete 1,000 of them, because I wasn't getting enough engagement.

How was I going to grow a brand no one knew about? It was actually easier than I thought. Back in the beginning of July we had about 13 followers. As of today (10/11/19), we have almost 240. So there's definitely growth there, and we're so proud of how far we've come with this organic following.


I think it's different though, because we're actually selling a product. As someone who wants to be an online influencer of some sort, they have to sell...themselves. How do you get someone interested enough in following your life (or whatever you talk about), just for the sake of it?

I've always wanted to start a Youtube channel. Correction, I did start a Youtube channel. I gained 260 subscribers, and then my life fell apart and I stopped using it. Not only that, but I don't know if anyone (other than my friends and family) actually watched.

Every year, whenever Vlogtober or Vlogmas happens, it makes me wish that I had stuck to Youtube while blogging. I really enjoyed editing videos, and was getting better at it!


I feel like with my blog, I have created a mini community. I have made tons of friends blogging, and wait eagerly for them to give me their thoughts on whatever I had written that day. With Youtube, it really wasn't like that. It felt more like...maybe I was wasting my time.

I keep going back in forth in my head, wondering if I should go back to occasionally vlogging & creating videos. Maybe even start with some old footage, and see if I enjoy editing still.

So what do you think? Did any of you guys enjoy my videos? Is it too late to be successful on Youtube? Please, let me know.

Sending you positive thoughts, love, and strength.

-melina xxx

**Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, I will earn a small commission if you click through and make a purchase. If you feel uncomfortable with this, simply search for the item yourself.**

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  • Marie says:

    This is such an interesting blog post, Melina <3 I feel like it gets harder and harder to somehow... find your place, because there are just so many influencers and youtubers nowadays. Yet, I want to believe that there's a place for everyone, because everyone is certainly unique and so are you, you're wonderful and I hope you'll take on your vlogging adventure again if you feel like it. As long as it makes you happy, it's the most important 🙂 x

    • Melina Elisa says:

      Thanks so much! I agree with you, while algorithms don’t leave room for some people to grow, like you said everyone is unique and there IS a place for new people to start and be successful if they want. I might start, i keep debating and seeing if it’s something that interests me. I think i might do it, but not put pressure on myself to be super consistent or anything 😅

      • Marie says:

        I hope you will, i'll be there to watch your videos if you do 😀

  • Zoe says:

    I definitely think it is extremely difficult to start a business/channel/account now and be successful. It is even harder to do it organically, and not fall into follow trains etc. I recently started a shop as part of my blog, and it is definitely hard to start off with!! xx

    • Melina Elisa says:

      OO, I'll definitely have a look at your shop Zoe! Thanks so much for reading and commenting 🙂 xx

  • Panty Buns says:

    Happy Vlogtober!!!!!! I don't know anything about algorithms, but I know I love reading your blog posts, seeing your Tweets on Twitter, and watching your YouTube videos (two of my favourites of yours are: "VLOG: NYC MUSEUM OF SEX & CAT CAFE!" and "VLOG: NYC, PRIMARK, BEACH & MORE!".
    Kudos on the launch of your clothing store with your sister!
    It is definitely not to late to be successful on YouTube.
    Best wishes on any and all of your future endeavours in the blogosphere (and Vlogosphere)!

    • Melina Elisa says:

      Maybe I'll give Youtube another try, but only do vlogs occasionally. Thank you for all the love and support. It honestly means the world to me. xxx

  • K.M. Sutton says:

    I wonder this to. I have been blogging for decades (almost) and it has only been the last couple years I have started to take it seriously, and really payed attention to algorithms and SEO. It can certainly be daunting. Thanks for sharing this sweets! <3

    • Melina Elisa says:

      Decades!? What an achievement! I just renewed my blog hosting for another three years, so here's to reaching year 6 eventually! Thanks so much for reading and commenting love 🙂 xx
