I have to see things through.

Growing up, I've always been someone who had to see things through til the end. Even if I hated a book or movie, I had to finish it. I had to see how it ended. I had this weird worry that if I stopped reading or watching, there was a possibility that it could get better, and I would miss out.

I don't know why I was like this, but I was. I had this urge to finish something, no matter how terrible it was. This changed a bit around the time I was a senior in high school. I had read so many shitty books, and was reading tons of user created books on Wattpad, that I was realizing the patterns and signs of a terrible book I was not going to enjoy.

I started stopping books midway. It was nearly killing me. I would stop reading a book, and I would spend the rest of the night tossing and turning wondering if I gave up on the story too soon. What if it got better?


This is something that didn’t only affect my watching and reading habits, it also effected my relationships. On more than one occasion, I have gotten to know someone. Dated them, and then even though I had tons of red flags that it wasn't going to work out, I would stay in this relationship.

I had the same thoughts I would have when I was younger and reading books. What if it got better? I spent months longer in a relationship, than I should have.

I would be anxious and unhappy for months, sucking it up, wishing and hoping that it would get better. Keeping my fingers crossed thinking that the relationship had the potential to get better.


Why was I like this? Even though after 2-3 months in the relationship I had a feeling that it wouldn't work out, I stayed in it.

I didn't realize this until more recently in a moment of self-reflection, but I like to see things through. I don't like to make rash decisions. I'd rather keep reading a book, even if it's terrible in the beginning, just in case the book ends up being good.

I guess it might be easier sticking around til the end instead of stopping something midway and always wondering if you made the right decision.

At the same time, you waste more time by doing that.


I feel like because I overthink every aspect in my life, I realize that it's easier for me to stay in a situation longer, even if it makes me unhappy, because if I have a shred of doubt, then my mind goes into overthinking overdrive.

Over the past few months I've been thinking about these habits, and I realize that I don't want to be this way. I don't want to be the person who settles, waiting because of the potential something might have.

Since I finally stopped forcing myself to read shitty books, the next step is to stop wasting my time on relationships that I know in my gut aren't going to work out long-term.

Now tell me are you someone who has to see things through or are you someone who knows how to cut something off when you know it's no good? Let me know in the comments down below.

-melina xx

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  • alwayscleia says:

    I totally relate to this!! Not necessarily for relationships, but definitely for my job. I'm always telling myself "things will get better after [such and such] changes". Or "Maybe things will calm down after the holidays" or something. And it never does but I feel like a quitter if I give up on all the time I've put in trying to work my way up the ladder.

    I also have a hard time putting down books that are bad. I read the whole maze runner series thinking "It will all make sense at the end" and "the prequel will tie it all together". NOPE! I wasted all my time on that entire series thinking it would get better haha

    • Melina Elisa says:

      At least you're self-aware of the fact that! Hopefully your hardwork will be worth it in the future. I actuallly never read that series, because my sister told me the same thing! She said, don't waste your time the ending is terrible and they don't explain anything! Thanks so much for reading and commenting 🙂 xxx

      • alwayscleia says:

        I sure hope so! I just got a raise so there's that at least. You dodged a bullet by not reading it, the ending was the most unsatisfying thing I've ever read 😂

  • The Style of Laura Jane says:

    I am terrible at finishing books! I end up reading something half way and then stumble upon another great one.. But with relationships, I am exactly the same and even when huge warning lights are flashing, my mind makes excuses. I am not sure if that's about waiting or just me wanting to prove my original ideas about a person true.


    • Melina Elisa says:

      That makes sense, to some extent we make assumptions of who people are and we are so disappointed when we are so far off the mark. Thanks for reading and this super thought provoking comment xxx

  • Marie says:

    This is so relatable, I feel the exact same way. With a book or with a situation, I feel like I have to wait a little while before making any rash decision, because who knows, it might get better. I wish I were a little more impulsive and would just throw the damn book or bad relationship away without a second thought, but my anxiety keeps me from doing so hahaha.
    Loved this post! <3

    • Melina Elisa says:

      omg yes, I wish I was a bit more impulsive and stopped overthinking! I just always hope for things to get better! I'm so glad to hear that you relate to this! Thanks so much as always for reading and commenting 🙂 xx
